Tokenize a string: Difference between revisions

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(Added Oz example.)
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Or the [[:Category:Recursion|tail-recursive]] equivalent:
<lang ocaml>let(* split_char[try sep.. strwith] =structures break tail-recursion,
so we externalise it in a sub-function *)
let string_index str c =
try let i = Some(String.index str sep inc)
with Not_found -> None
let split_char sep str =
let rec aux acc str =
match string_index str sep with
| Some i ->
let i = String.index str sep in
let this = String.sub str 0 i
and next = String.sub str (i+1) (String.length str - i - 1) in
aux (this::acc) next
with Not_found | None ->
aux [] str