Time a function: Difference between revisions

Ada example
m (→‎{{header|Python}}: import timeit)
(Ada example)
Line 7:
This task is intended as a subtask for [[Measure relative performance of sorting algorithms implementations]].
with Ada.Calendar; use Ada.Calendar;
with Ada.Text_Io; use Ada.Text_Io;
procedure Query_Performance is
type Proc_Access is access procedure(X : in out Integer);
function Time_It(Action : Proc_Access; Arg : Integer) return Duration is
Start_Time : Time := Clock;
Finis_Time : Time;
Func_Arg : Integer := Arg;
Finis_Time := Clock;
return Finis_Time - Start_Time;
end Time_It;
procedure Identity(X : in out Integer) is
X := X;
end Identity;
procedure Sum (Num : in out Integer) is
for I in 1..1000 loop
Num := Num + I;
end loop;
end Sum;
Id_Access : Proc_Access := Identity'access;
Sum_Access : Proc_Access := Sum'access;
Put_Line("Identity(4) takes" & Duration'Image(Time_It(Id_Access, 4)) & " seconds.");
Put_Line("Sum(4) takes:" & Duration'Image(Time_It(Sum_Access, 4)) & " seconds.");
end Query_Performance;
Identity(4) takes 0.000001117 seconds.
Sum(4) takes: 0.000003632 seconds.
'''Interpreter:''' [[Python]]
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