Tic-tac-toe: Difference between revisions

8,352 bytes added ,  2 years ago
Tic-tac-toe en FreeBASIC (modo texto)
(Added Tailspin solution)
(Tic-tac-toe en FreeBASIC (modo texto))
Line 3,479:
===graphics mode===
<lang freebasic>
Line 3,905 ⟶ 3,906:
End Sub
===text mode===
<lang freebasic>
Screenres 320,240,32
'global variables globales
Dim Shared As Integer b(3,3) 'tablero
Dim Shared As Integer mx, my, btns, ox, oy
'prueba para ganar posición
'3 victorias horizontales
Function TestWin(t As Integer) As Integer
Dim As Integer win = 0
If b(0,0)= t And b(1,0)= t And b(2,0)= t Then win = t
If b(0,1)= t And b(1,1)= t And b(2,1)= t Then win = t
If b(0,2)= t And b(1,2)= t And b(2,2)= t Then win = t
'3 en vertical gana
If b(0,0)= t And b(0,1)= t And b(0,2)= t Then win = t
If b(1,0)= t And b(1,1)= t And b(1,2)= t Then win = t
If b(2,0)= t And b(2,1)= t And b(2,2)= t Then win = t
'cruzada gana
If b(0,0)= t And b(1,1)= t And b(2,2)= t Then win = t
If b(2,0)= t And b(1,1)= t And b(0,2)= t Then win = t
Return win
End Function
Sub InicializarTablero()
For j As Integer = 0 To 2
For i As Integer = 0 To 2
Next i
Next j
End Sub
Sub DibujaTablero()
Locate 1,1 : Print "+---+---+---+"
For j As Integer = 0 To 2
Print "|";
For i As Integer = 0 To 2
If b(i,j) = 0 Then Print " |";
If b(i,j) = 1 Then Print " x |";
If b(i,j) = 2 Then Print " o |";
Next i
Print !"\n+---+---+---+"
Next j
End Sub
Function MovimientoHumano() As Integer
Dim As Integer opcion = -1
While opcion = -1
Getmouse mx,my,,btns
While btns <> 1 'esperar a pulsar botón
Getmouse mx,my,,btns
mx = (mx-4)\32
my = (my-4)\16
If mx >= 0 And mx < 3 And my >= 0 And my < 3 Then
If b(mx,my) = 0 Then opcion = mx+my*3 'Casilla vacía?
End If
While btns=1
Getmouse mx,my,,btns
Return opcion
End Function
Function MovimientoAleatorio() As Integer
Dim As Integer opcion, i, j
opcion = Int(Rnd(1)*9)
j = Int(opcion/3)
i = opcion - Int(opcion/3)*3
While b(i,j) <> 0 Or (opcion > 8 Or opcion < 0)
opcion = Int(Rnd(1)*9)
j = Int(opcion/3)
i = opcion - Int(opcion/3)*3
Return j*3+i
End Function
Function MovimientoInteligente(t As Integer) As Integer
Dim As Integer i, j, opcion, t2
opcion = -1 'opcion aún no seleccionada
'obtener la ficha t2 de los oponentes
If t = 1 Then t2 = 2 Else t2 = 1
'prueba para la casilla central
If b(1,1) = 0 Then opcion = 4
'prueba para ganar
If opcion = -1 Then
If b(0,0)= 0 And b(1,0)= t And b(2,0)= t Then opcion = 0
If b(0,0)= t And b(1,0)= 0 And b(2,0)= t Then opcion = 1
If b(0,0)= t And b(1,0)= t And b(2,0)= 0 Then opcion = 2
If b(0,1)= 0 And b(1,1)= t And b(2,1)= t Then opcion = 3
If b(0,1)= t And b(1,1)= 0 And b(2,1)= t Then opcion = 4
If b(0,1)= t And b(1,1)= t And b(2,1)= 0 Then opcion = 5
If b(0,2)= 0 And b(1,2)= t And b(2,2)= t Then opcion = 6
If b(0,2)= t And b(1,2)= 0 And b(2,2)= t Then opcion = 7
If b(0,2)= t And b(1,2)= t And b(2,2)= 0 Then opcion = 8
'3 bloques verticales
If b(0,0)= 0 And b(0,1)= t And b(0,2)= t Then opcion = 0
If b(0,0)= t And b(0,1)= 0 And b(0,2)= t Then opcion = 3
If b(0,0)= t And b(0,1)= t And b(0,2)= 0 Then opcion = 6
If b(1,0)= 0 And b(1,1)= t And b(1,2)= t Then opcion = 1
If b(1,0)= t And b(1,1)= 0 And b(1,2)= t Then opcion = 4
If b(1,0)= t And b(1,1)= t And b(1,2)= 0 Then opcion = 7
If b(2,0)= 0 And b(2,1)= t And b(2,2)= t Then opcion = 2
If b(2,0)= t And b(2,1)= 0 And b(2,2)= t Then opcion = 5
If b(2,0)= t And b(2,1)= t And b(2,2)= 0 Then opcion = 8
'bloques cruzados
If b(0,0)= 0 And b(1,1)= t And b(2,2)= t Then opcion = 0
If b(0,0)= t And b(1,1)= 0 And b(2,2)= t Then opcion = 4
If b(0,0)= t And b(1,1)= t And b(2,2)= 0 Then opcion = 8
If b(2,0)= 0 And b(1,1)= t And b(0,2)= t Then opcion = 2
If b(2,0)= t And b(1,1)= 0 And b(0,2)= t Then opcion = 4
If b(2,0)= t And b(1,1)= t And b(0,2)= 0 Then opcion = 6
End If
'prueba para bloques
If opcion = -1 Then
If b(0,0)= 0 And b(1,0)= t2 And b(2,0)= t2 Then opcion = 0
If b(0,0)= t2 And b(1,0)= 0 And b(2,0)= t2 Then opcion = 1
If b(0,0)= t2 And b(1,0)= t2 And b(2,0)= 0 Then opcion = 2
If b(0,1)= 0 And b(1,1)= t2 And b(2,1)= t2 Then opcion = 3
If b(0,1)= t2 And b(1,1)= 0 And b(2,1)= t2 Then opcion = 4
If b(0,1)= t2 And b(1,1)= t2 And b(2,1)= 0 Then opcion = 5
If b(0,2)= 0 And b(1,2)= t2 And b(2,2)= t2 Then opcion = 6
If b(0,2)= t2 And b(1,2)= 0 And b(2,2)= t2 Then opcion = 7
If b(0,2)= t2 And b(1,2)= t2 And b(2,2)= 0 Then opcion = 8
'3 bloques verticales
If b(0,0)= 0 And b(0,1)= t2 And b(0,2)= t2 Then opcion = 0
If b(0,0)= t2 And b(0,1)= 0 And b(0,2)= t2 Then opcion = 3
If b(0,0)= t2 And b(0,1)= t2 And b(0,2)= 0 Then opcion = 6
If b(1,0)= 0 And b(1,1)= t2 And b(1,2)= t2 Then opcion = 1
If b(1,0)= t2 And b(1,1)= 0 And b(1,2)= t2 Then opcion = 4
If b(1,0)= t2 And b(1,1)= t2 And b(1,2)= 0 Then opcion = 7
If b(2,0)= 0 And b(2,1)= t2 And b(2,2)= t2 Then opcion = 2
If b(2,0)= t2 And b(2,1)= 0 And b(2,2)= t2 Then opcion = 5
If b(2,0)= t2 And b(2,1)= t2 And b(2,2)= 0 Then opcion = 8
'bloques cruzados
If b(0,0)= 0 And b(1,1)= t2 And b(2,2)= t2 Then opcion = 0
If b(0,0)= t2 And b(1,1)= 0 And b(2,2)= t2 Then opcion = 4
If b(0,0)= t2 And b(1,1)= t2 And b(2,2)= 0 Then opcion = 8
If b(2,0)= 0 And b(1,1)= t2 And b(0,2)= t2 Then opcion = 2
If b(2,0)= t2 And b(1,1)= 0 And b(0,2)= t2 Then opcion = 4
If b(2,0)= t2 And b(1,1)= t2 And b(0,2)= 0 Then opcion = 6
End If
If opcion = -1 Then
If b(0,0) = 0 Then opcion = 0
If b(2,0) = 0 Then opcion = 2
If b(0,2) = 0 Then opcion = 6
If b(2,2) = 0 Then opcion = 8
End If
'no hay opción de hacer una elección al azar
If opcion = -1 Then
opcion = Int(Rnd(1)*9)
j = Int(opcion/3)
i = opcion - Int(opcion/3)*3
'encontrar una casilla vacía
While b(i,j) <> 0
opcion = Int(Rnd(1)*9)
j = Int(opcion/3)
i = opcion - Int(opcion/3)*3
End If
Return opcion
End Function
Dim As Integer resultado
Dim As Integer jugador = 1
Dim As Integer ContarMovimientos = 0
Dim As Integer ContarPartidas = 0
Dim As Integer movimiento = 0
Dim As Integer i, j
'alternar jugadores
If jugador = 1 Then jugador = 2 Else jugador = 1
'selecciona tipo de movimiento para cada jugador
If jugador = 1 Then
movimiento = MovimientoHumano()
movimiento = MovimientoInteligente(2)
End If
'print "movimiento ="; movimiento
'print "jugador ="; jugador
'convertir la elección a las coordenadas del tablero i,j
j = Int(movimiento/3)
i = movimiento - (j*3)
b(i,j) = jugador 'ingrese la ficha de jugador 1 o 2
resultado = TestWin(jugador) 'comprobar si el jugador ha ganado
ContarMovimientos += 1
'Comprobar final de partida y/o un resultado de victoria
If ContarMovimientos = 9 Or resultado <> 0 Then
If resultado = 0 Then Print !"\n EMPATE "
If resultado = 1 Then Print !"\n x GANA "
If resultado = 2 Then Print !"\n o GANA "
Print Space(28)
InicializarTablero() 'reiniciar tablero
ContarMovimientos = 0
ContarPartidas += 1
End If
Loop Until Multikey(&H01)
