Tic-tac-toe: Difference between revisions

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→‎{{header|Python}}: Add example with better skills.
Added PicoLisp
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Play a game of [[wp:Tic-tac-toe|tic-tac-toe]]. Ensure that legal moves are played and that a winning position is notified.
Play a game of [[wp:Tic-tac-toe|tic-tac-toe]]. Ensure that legal moves are played and that a winning position is notified.

This solution doesn't bother about the game logic, but simply uses the alpha-beta-pruning 'game' function in the "simul" library.
<lang PicoLisp>(load "@lib/simul.l") # for 'game' function

(de display ()
(for Y (3 2 1)
(prinl " +---+---+---+")
(prin " " Y)
(for X (1 2 3)
(prin " | " (or (get *Board X Y) " ")) )
(prinl " |") )
(prinl " +---+---+---+")
(prinl " a b c") )

(de find3 (P)
'((X Y DX DY)
(do 3
(NIL (= P (get *Board X Y)))
(inc 'X DX)
(inc 'Y DY)
T ) )
(1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1)
(1 2 3 1 1 1 1 3)
(1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1)
(0 0 0 1 1 1 1 -1) ) )

(de myMove ()
(game NIL 8
'((Flg) # Moves
(unless (find3 (or (not Flg) 0))
(for (X . L) *Board
(for (Y . P) L
(unless P
(cons X Y (or Flg 0))
(list X Y) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
'((Mov) # Move
(set (nth *Board (car Mov) (cadr Mov)) (cddr Mov)) )
'((Flg) # Cost
(if (find3 (or Flg 0)) -100 0) ) )
(let Mov (caadr @)
(set (nth *Board (car Mov) (cadr Mov)) 0) )
(display) ) )

(de yourMove (X Y)
(sym? X)
(>= 3 (setq X (- (char X) 96)) 1)
(num? Y)
(>= 3 Y 1)
(not (get *Board X Y))
(set (nth *Board X Y) T)
(display) ) )

(de main ()
(setq *Board (make (do 3 (link (need 3)))))
(display) )

(de go Args
((not (yourMove (car Args) (cadr Args)))
"Illegal move!" )
((find3 T) "Congratulation, you won!")
((not (myMove)) "No moves")
((find3 0) "Sorry, you lost!") ) )</lang>
<pre>: (main)
3 | | | |
2 | | | |
1 | | | |
a b c

: (go a 1)
3 | | | |
2 | | | |
1 | T | | |
a b c
3 | | | |
2 | | 0 | |
1 | T | | |
a b c</pre>
