Tic-tac-toe: Difference between revisions

m (Fixed the name of the GitHub repo of the PostScript version)
Line 8,742:
'''Adapted from [[#Wren|Wren]]'''
'''Works with jq, the C implementation of jq'''
'''Works with gojq, the Go implementation of jq'''
As with the Wren solution, in successive rounds, play alternates between the user (O) and the computer (X) being the first to move. When the computer is first to move, its first placement is selected at random.
As of this writing, the C and Go implementations of jq do not include a PRN generator,
and so in the following the MRG32k3a module available at [[:Category:jq/MRG32k3a.jq]]
is used.
<syntaxhighlight lang="jq">
include "MRG32k3a" {search: "."}; # see comment above
### Generic functions
def inform(msg):
. as $in
| msg + "\n" | stderr
| $in;
def lpad($len): tostring | ($len - length) as $l | (" " * $l) + .;
# Create an m x n matrix with initial values specified by .
def matrix($m; $n):
if $m == 0 then []
else . as $init
| if $m == 1 then [range(0;$n) | $init]
elif $m > 0 then
matrix(1; $n) as $row
| [range(0; $m) | $row ]
else error("matrix\($m);\($n)) invalid")
### Tic-Tac-Toe
# The board is represented by a matrix in which:
# 0 : blank; -1: computer; 1: user
def init:
{b: (0 | matrix(3;3)),
bestI: 0,
bestJ: 0,
prng: seed(now | tostring | sub("^.*[.]";"") | tonumber)};
# Output: 0 if undecided, null if game over, otherwise the player id
def checkWinner:
first(range(0; 3) as $i
| if .b[$i][0] != 0 and .b[$i][1] == .b[$i][0] and .b[$i][2] == .b[$i][0] then .b[$i][0]
elif .b[0][$i] != 0 and .b[1][$i] == .b[0][$i] and .b[2][$i] == .b[0][$i] then .b[0][$i]
else empty
// if (.b[1][1] == 0) then 0
elif (.b[1][1] == .b[0][0] and .b[2][2] == .b[0][0]) then .b[0][0]
elif (.b[1][1] == .b[2][0] and .b[0][2] == .b[1][1]) then .b[1][1]
elif all(.b[][]; . != 0) then null
else 0
end ;
def showBoard:
["X", " ", "O"] as $t
| .b as $b
| range(0;3) as $i
| reduce range(0;3) as $j ("";
. + "\($t[$b[$i][$j] + 1]) " ), # b == -1 => "X"; b == 1 => "O"
# Examine possible moves of the player identified by $value, avoiding embarrassment
# Set .result, .bestI, .bestJ, etc
def testMove($value; $depth):
checkWinner as $score
| if $score == null then .result = 0
elif $score != 0
then .result = (if $score == $value then 1 else -1 end)
else .best = -1
| .changed = 0
| reduce range(0;3) as $i (.;
reduce range(0;3) as $j (.;
if .b[$i][$j] == 0
then .b[$i][$j] = $value
| .changed = $value
| testMove(-$value; $depth + 1) as $test
| (-$test.result) as $score
| .b[$i][$j] = 0
| if $score > .best
then if $depth == 0
then .bestI = $i
| .bestJ = $j
| .best = $score
end ) )
| .result = if .changed != 0 then .best else 0 end
# Issue prompts on stderr;
# always allow q for quit
def read($prompt; $regex):
def r:
($prompt | stderr | empty),
(try ((input
| if . == "q" then halt
else select(test($regex))
end) // r)
catch if . == "break" then halt else r end );
# Input: irrelevant
# $user should be boolean; specify `true` if the user plays first
def game($user):
"Board positions are numbered so:\n1 2 3\n4 5 6\n7 8 9",
"You have O, I have X.\n",
(init + {$user}
| label $out
| foreach range(0;9) as $k (.;
if .user
then .move = null
| until(.move;
(read("Your move: "; "^ *[1-9]") | tonumber - 1) as $move
| ($move/3|floor) as $i
| ($move % 3) as $j
| if .b[$i][$j] == 0
then .b[$i][$j] = 1
| .move = $move
end )
| if (.user|not)
then # in the interests of entertainment, randomize if computer opens
if $k == 0
then .prng |= nextFloat
| .bestI = (.prng.nextFloat * 100 | trunc) % 3
| .prng |= nextFloat
| .bestJ = (.prng.nextFloat * 100 | trunc) % 3
else testMove(-1; 0)
| .b[.bestI][.bestJ] = -1
| inform("My move: \(.bestI * 3 + .bestJ + 1)")
| .user |= not
# Output:
| if . == 0 then empty
else (if . == 1 then "You win"
elif . == -1 then "I win"
else "A draw.\n\n"
break $out
end ) )) ;
# Alternate players
def controller:
def c($user):
(read("Play again? [yn]: "; "^[yYnN]") as $in
| if $in|.[0:1]|ascii_downcase == "n" then halt
else c($user|not)
Invocation: jq -nRrf tic-tac-toe.jq
Board positions are numbered so:
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
You have O, I have X.
Your move: 5
My move: 1
Your move:
... etc ...
