Three word location: Difference between revisions

Added Ada solution
(→‎{{header|Vlang}}: Rename "Vlang" in "V (Vlang)")
(Added Ada solution)
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Extra credit: Find a way to populate the word array with actual words.
<syntaxhighlight lang="ada">
-- Three-word location
-- J. Carter 2023 May
-- Uses the PragmAda Reusable Components (
with Ada.Text_IO;
with PragmARC.Images;
procedure Three_Word is
type U43 is mod 2 ** 43;
subtype Word is String (1 .. 6);
function Image is new PragmARC.Images.Modular_Image (Number => U43);
function Image is new PragmARC.Images.Float_Image (Number => Float);
Lat : constant String := "28.3852";
Long : constant String := "-81.5638";
LL_Mix : U43 := U43 ( (Float'Value (Lat) + 90.0) * 10_000.0) * 2 ** 22 + U43 ( (Float'Value (Long) + 180.0) * 10_000.0);
W3n : U43 := LL_Mix rem 2 ** 14; -- Number for 3rd word
W2n : U43 := (LL_Mix / 2 ** 14) rem 2 ** 14; -- " " 2nd "
W1n : U43 := LL_Mix / 2 ** 28; -- " " 1st "
W1 : constant Word := 'W' & Image (W1n, Width => 5, Zero_Filled => True); -- 1st word
W2 : constant Word := 'W' & Image (W2n, Width => 5, Zero_Filled => True); -- 2nd "
W3 : constant Word := 'W' & Image (W3n, Width => 5, Zero_Filled => True); -- 3rd "
begin -- Three_Word
Ada.Text_IO.Put (Item => Lat & ", " & Long & " => " & W1 & ' ' & W2 & ' ' & W3 & " => ");
-- Reverse the process
W1n := U43'Value (W1 (2 .. 6) );
W2n := U43'Value (W2 (2 .. 6) );
W3n := U43'Value (W3 (2 .. 6) );
LL_Mix := W1n * 2 ** 28 + W2n * 2 ** 14 + W3n;
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Item => Image (Float (LL_Mix / 2 ** 22) / 10_000.0 - 90.0, Fore => 0, Aft => 4, Exp => 0) & ", " &
Image (Float (LL_Mix rem 2 ** 22) / 10_000.0 - 180.0, Fore => 0, Aft => 4, Exp => 0) );
end Three_Word;
28.3852, -81.5638 => W18497 W11324 W01322 => 28.3852, -81.5638
