The Twelve Days of Christmas

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Write a program that outputs the lyrics of the Christmas carol The Twelve Days of Christmas. The lyrics can be found here.

The Twelve Days of Christmas
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.


This program outputs the lyrics to a TextField object. The text field can be scrolled using the mouse wheel (Windows only) or by using the up/down arrow keys on the keyboard.

Works with: Flash Player version 10
Works with: AIR version 1.5

(Although the code can work in Flash Player 9 by replacing the Vectors with Arrays)

<lang ActionScript> package {

   import flash.display.Sprite;
   import flash.text.TextField;
   import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;
   import flash.text.TextFormat;
   import flash.ui.Keyboard;
   public class TwelveDaysOfChristmas extends Sprite {
       private var _textArea:TextField = new TextField();
       public function TwelveDaysOfChristmas() {
           if ( stage ) _init();
           else addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, _init);
       private function _init(e:Event = null):void {
           removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, _init);
           _textArea = new TextField();
           _textArea.x = 10;
           _textArea.y = 10;
           _textArea.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
           _textArea.wordWrap = true;
           _textArea.width = stage.stageWidth - 20;
           _textArea.height = stage.stageHeight - 10;
           _textArea.multiline = true;
           var format:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
           format.size = 14;
           _textArea.defaultTextFormat = format;
           var verses:Vector.<String> = new Vector.<String>(12, true);
           var lines:Vector.<String>;
           var days:Vector.<String> = new Vector.<String>(12, true);
           var gifts:Vector.<String> = new Vector.<String>(12, true);
           days[0] = 'first';
           days[1] = 'second';
           days[2] = 'third';
           days[3] = 'fourth';
           days[4] = 'fifth';
           days[5] = 'sixth';
           days[6] = 'seventh';
           days[7] = 'eighth';
           days[8] = 'ninth';
           days[9] = 'tenth';
           days[10] = 'eleventh';
           days[11] = 'twelfth';
           gifts[0] = 'A partridge in a pear tree';
           gifts[1] = 'Two turtle doves';
           gifts[2] = 'Three french hens ';
           gifts[3] = 'Four calling birds';
           gifts[4] = 'Five golden rings';
           gifts[5] = 'Six geese a-laying';
           gifts[6] = 'Seven swans a-swimming';
           gifts[7] = 'Eight maids a-milking';
           gifts[8] = 'Nine ladies dancing';
           gifts[9] = 'Ten lords a-leaping';
           gifts[10] = 'Eleven pipers piping';
           gifts[11] = 'Twelve drummers drumming';
           var i:uint, j:uint, k:uint, line:String, gift:String;
           for ( i = 0; i < 12; i++ ) {
               lines = new Vector.<String>(i + 2, true);
               lines[0] = "On the " + days[i] + " day of Christmas, my true love gave to me";
               j = i + 1;
               k = 0;
               while ( j-- > 0 ) {
                   gift = gifts[j];
                   lines[++k] = gift;
               verses[i] = lines.join('\n');
               if ( i == 0 )
                   gifts[0] = 'And a partridge in a pear tree';
           var song:String = verses.join('\n\n');
           _textArea.text = song;
           _textArea.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL, _onMouseWheel);
           stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, _onKeyDown);
       private function _onKeyDown(e:KeyboardEvent):void {
           if ( e.keyCode == Keyboard.DOWN )
               _textArea.y -= 40;
           else if ( e.keyCode == Keyboard.UP )
               _textArea.y += 40;
       private function _onMouseWheel(e:MouseEvent):void {
           _textArea.y += 20 *;

} </lang>


<lang csharp> using System;

public class TwelveDaysOfChristmas {

   public static void Main() {
       string[] days = new string[12] {
           "first", "second", "third", "fourth", "fifth", "sixth", "seventh", "eighth", "ninth",
           "tenth", "eleventh", "twelfth",
       string[] gifts = new string[12] {
           "A partridge in a pear tree",
           "Two turtle doves",
           "Three french hens ",
           "Four calling birds",
           "Five golden rings",
           "Six geese a-laying",
           "Seven swans a-swimming",
           "Eight maids a-milking",
           "Nine ladies dancing",
           "Ten lords a-leaping",
           "Eleven pipers piping",
           "Twelve drummers drumming"
       for ( int i = 0; i < 12; i++ ) {
           Console.WriteLine("On the " + days[i] + " day of Christmas, my true love gave to me");
           int j = i + 1;
           while ( j-- > 0 ) {
           if ( i == 0 )
               gifts[0] = "And a partridge in a pear tree";

} </lang>