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MOD : 734270227D36772A783B4F2A5F206266236978
MOD : 734270227D36772A783B4F2A5F206266236978
MOD dcr : a Top Secret secret
MOD dcr : a Top Secret secret

<lang lua>
#!/usr/bin/env lua
-- ISAAC - Lua 5.3

-- External Results
local randRsl = {};
local randCnt = 0;

-- Internal State
local mm = {};
local aa,bb,cc = 0,0,0;

-- Cap to maintain 32 bit maths
local cap = 0x100000000;

-- CipherMode
local ENCRYPT = 1;
local DECRYPT = 2;

function isaac()

cc = ( cc + 1 ) % cap; -- cc just gets incremented once per 256 results
bb = ( bb + cc ) % cap; -- then combined with bb

for i = 0,255 do
local x = mm[i];
local y;
local imod = i % 4;
if imod == 0 then aa = aa ~ (aa << 13);
elseif imod == 1 then aa = aa ~ (aa >> 6);
elseif imod == 2 then aa = aa ~ (aa << 2);
elseif imod == 3 then aa = aa ~ (aa >> 16);
aa = ( mm[(i+128)%256] + aa ) % cap;
y = ( mm[(x>>2) % 256] + aa + bb ) % cap;
mm[i] = y;
bb = ( mm[(y>>10)%256] + x ) % cap;
randRsl[i] = bb;

randCnt = 0; -- Prepare to use the first set of results.


function mix(a)
a[0] = ( a[0] ~ ( a[1] << 11 ) ) % cap; a[3] = ( a[3] + a[0] ) % cap; a[1] = ( a[1] + a[2] ) % cap;
a[1] = ( a[1] ~ ( a[2] >> 2 ) ) % cap; a[4] = ( a[4] + a[1] ) % cap; a[2] = ( a[2] + a[3] ) % cap;
a[2] = ( a[2] ~ ( a[3] << 8 ) ) % cap; a[5] = ( a[5] + a[2] ) % cap; a[3] = ( a[3] + a[4] ) % cap;
a[3] = ( a[3] ~ ( a[4] >> 16 ) ) % cap; a[6] = ( a[6] + a[3] ) % cap; a[4] = ( a[4] + a[5] ) % cap;
a[4] = ( a[4] ~ ( a[5] << 10 ) ) % cap; a[7] = ( a[7] + a[4] ) % cap; a[5] = ( a[5] + a[6] ) % cap;
a[5] = ( a[5] ~ ( a[6] >> 4 ) ) % cap; a[0] = ( a[0] + a[5] ) % cap; a[6] = ( a[6] + a[7] ) % cap;
a[6] = ( a[6] ~ ( a[7] << 8 ) ) % cap; a[1] = ( a[1] + a[6] ) % cap; a[7] = ( a[7] + a[0] ) % cap;
a[7] = ( a[7] ~ ( a[0] >> 9 ) ) % cap; a[2] = ( a[2] + a[7] ) % cap; a[0] = ( a[0] + a[1] ) % cap;

function randInit(flag)

-- The golden ratio in 32 bit
-- math.floor((((math.sqrt(5)+1)/2)%1)*2^32) == 2654435769 == 0x9e3779b9
local a = { [0] = 0x9e3779b9, 0x9e3779b9, 0x9e3779b9, 0x9e3779b9, 0x9e3779b9, 0x9e3779b9, 0x9e3779b9, 0x9e3779b9, };

aa,bb,cc = 0,0,0;

for i = 1,4 do mix(a) end -- Scramble it.

for i = 0,255,8 do -- Fill in mm[] with messy stuff.
if flag then -- Use all the information in the seed.
for j = 0,7 do
a[j] = ( a[j] + randRsl[i+j] ) % cap;
for j = 0,7 do
mm[i+j] = a[j];

if flag then
-- Do a second pass to make all of the seed affect all of mm.
for i = 0,255,8 do
for j = 0,7 do
a[j] = ( a[j] + mm[i+j] ) % cap;
for j = 0,7 do
mm[i+j] = a[j];

isaac(); -- Fill in the first set of results.
randCnt = 0; -- Prepare to use the first set of results.


-- Seed ISAAC with a given string.
-- The string can be any size. The first 256 values will be used.
function seedIsaac(seed,flag)
local seedLength = #seed;
for i = 0,255 do mm[i] = 0; end
for i = 0,255 do randRsl[i] = seed:byte(i+1,i+1) or 0; end

-- Get a random 32-bit value 0..MAXINT
function getRandom32Bit()
local result = randRsl[randCnt];
randCnt = randCnt + 1;
if randCnt > 255 then
randCnt = 0;
return result;

-- Get a random character in printable ASCII range
function getRandomChar()
return getRandom32Bit() % 95 + 32;

-- Convert an ASCII string to a hexadecimal string.
function ascii2hex(source)
local ss = "";
for i = 1,#source do
ss = ss..string.format("%02X",source:byte(i,i));
return ss

-- XOR encrypt on random stream.
function vernam(msg)
local msgLength = #msg;
local destination = {};
for i = 1, msgLength do
destination[i] = string.char(getRandomChar() ~ msg:byte(i,i));
return table.concat(destination);

-- Caesar-shift a character <shift> places: Generalized Vigenere
function caesar(m, ch, shift, modulo, start)
local n
local si = 1
if m == DECRYPT then shift = shift*-1 ; end
n = (ch - start) + shift;
if n < 0 then si,n = -1,n*-1 ; end
n = ( n % modulo ) * si;
if n < 0 then n = n + modulo ; end
return start + n;

-- Vigenere mod 95 encryption & decryption.
function vigenere(msg,m)
local msgLength = #msg;
local destination = {};
for i = 1,msgLength do
destination[i] = string.char( caesar(m, msg:byte(i,i), getRandomChar(), 95, 32) );
return table.concat(destination);

function main(noprint)
local msg = "a Top Secret secret";
local key = "this is my secret key";
local xorCipherText, modCipherText, xorPlainText, modPlainText;

-- (1) Seed ISAAC with the key
seedIsaac(key, true);
-- (2) Encryption
-- (a) XOR (Vernam)
xorCipherText = vernam(msg);
-- (b) MOD (Vigenere)
modCipherText = vigenere(msg, ENCRYPT);
-- (3) Decryption
seedIsaac(key, true);
-- (a) XOR (Vernam)
xorPlainText = vernam(xorCipherText);
-- (b) MOD (Vigenere)
modPlainText = vigenere(modCipherText, DECRYPT);
-- Program output
if not noprint then
print("Message: " .. msg);
print("Key : " .. key);
print("XOR : " .. ascii2hex(xorCipherText));
print("XOR dcr: " .. xorPlainText);
print("MOD : " .. ascii2hex(modCipherText));
print("MOD dcr: " .. modPlainText);

Message: a Top Secret secret
Key : this is my secret key
XOR : 1c0636190b1260233b35125f1e1d0e2f4c5422
MOD : 734270227d36772a783b4f2a5f206266236978
XOR dcr: a Top Secret secret
MOD dcr: a Top Secret secret