Textonyms: Difference between revisions

Added Wren
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Line 2,874:
They require 22903 digit combinations to represent them.
1473 digit combinations represent Textonyms.</pre>
<lang ecmascript>import "io" for File
import "/str" for Char, Str
import "/sort" for Sort
import "/fmt" for Fmt
var wordList = "unixdict.txt"
var DIGITS = "22233344455566677778889999"
var map = {}
var countValid = 0
var words = File.read(wordList).trimEnd().split("\n")
for (word in words) {
var valid = true
var sb = ""
for (c in Str.lower(word)) {
if (!Char.isLower(c)) {
valid = false
sb = sb + DIGITS[Char.code(c) - 97]
if (valid) {
countValid = countValid + 1
if (map.containsKey(sb)) {
} else {
map[sb] = [word]
var textonyms = map.toList.where { |me| me.value.count > 1 }.toList
var report = "There are %(countValid) words in '%(wordList)' " +
"which can be represented by the digit key mapping.\n" +
"They require %(map.count) digit combinations to represent them.\n" +
"%(textonyms.count) digit combinations represent Textonyms.\n"
var longest = Sort.merge(textonyms) { |i, j| (j.key.count - i.key.count).sign }
var ambiguous = Sort.merge(longest) { |i, j| (j.value.count - i.value.count).sign }
System.print("Top 8 in ambiguity: \n")
System.print("Count Textonym Words")
System.print("====== ======== =====")
var f = "$4d $-8s $s"
for (a in ambiguous.take(8)) Fmt.print(f, a.value.count, a.key, a.value)
f = f.replace("8", "14")
System.print("\nTop 6 in length:\n")
System.print("Length Textonym Words")
System.print("====== ============== =====")
for (l in longest.take(6)) Fmt.print(f, l.key.count, l.key, l.value)</lang>
There are 24978 words in 'unixdict.txt' which can be represented by the digit key mapping.
They require 22903 digit combinations to represent them.
1473 digit combinations represent Textonyms.
Top 8 in ambiguity:
Count Textonym Words
====== ======== =====
9 269 amy any bmw bow box boy cow cox coy
9 729 paw pax pay paz raw ray saw sax say
8 2273 acre bard bare base cape card care case
8 726 pam pan ram ran sam san sao scm
7 4663 gone good goof home hone hood hoof
7 7283 pate pave rate rave saud save scud
7 782 pta pub puc pvc qua rub sub
7 426 gam gao ham han ian ibm ibn
Top 6 in length:
Length Textonym Words
====== ============== =====
14 25287876746242 claustrophobia claustrophobic
13 7244967473642 schizophrenia schizophrenic
12 666628676342 onomatopoeia onomatopoeic
11 49376746242 hydrophobia hydrophobic
10 2668368466 contention convention
10 6388537663 mettlesome nettlesome
