Textonyms: Difference between revisions

2,707 bytes added ,  3 years ago
→‎{{header|Haskell}}: Added a variant expressed in terms of Data.Map and traverse. Updated output.
m (→‎{{header|Haskell}}: hlint, hindent – minor tidying)
(→‎{{header|Haskell}}: Added a variant expressed in terms of Data.Map and traverse. Updated output.)
Line 878:
["", "Top 5 in length:"] ++
''Italic text'' showTextonym
(take 5 $ sortBy (flip compare `on` (length . fst . head)) textonymList)</lang>
Line 898:
49376746242 => hydrophobia hydrophobic
2668368466 => contention convention </pre>
Or, in terms of ''Data.Map'' and ''traverse'':
<lang haskell>{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
import Data.List (groupBy, sortBy, sortOn)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Data.Function (on)
digitEncoded :: [String] -> [(String, String)]
digitEncoded = mapMaybe (\cs -> traverse toKey cs >>= (Just . (, cs)))
codeGrouped :: [(String, String)] -> [[(String, String)]]
codeGrouped = groupBy (on (==) fst) . sortOn fst
textonymSubset :: [[(String, String)]] -> [[(String, String)]]
textonymSubset = filter ((1 <) . length)
toKey :: Char -> Maybe Char
toKey = flip M.lookup charDict
charDict :: M.Map Char Char
charDict =
M.fromList $
concat $
(fmap . flip (,))
(head . show <$> [2 ..])
(words "abc def ghi jkl mno pqrs tuv wxyz")
showTextonym :: Int -> [(String, String)] -> String
showTextonym w ts =
concat [justifyRight w ' ' (fst (head ts)), " -> ", unwords $ fmap snd ts]
justifyRight :: Int -> Char -> String -> String
justifyRight n c = (drop . length) <*> (replicate n c ++)
main :: IO ()
main = do
let fp = "unixdict.txt"
s <- readFile fp
let encodings = digitEncoded $ lines s
codeGroups = codeGrouped encodings
textonyms = textonymSubset codeGroups
ambiguous = take 5 $ sortBy (flip (comparing length)) textonyms
longer = take 5 $ sortBy (flip (comparing (length . fst . head))) textonyms
colWidth xs = maximum $ map (length . fst . head) xs
[wa, wl] = colWidth <$> [ambiguous, longer]
mapM_ putStrLn $
[ "There are " ++
show (length encodings) ++
" words in " ++
fp ++ " which can be represented by the digit key mapping."
, "They require " ++
show (length codeGroups) ++ " digit combinations to represent them."
, show (length textonyms) ++ " digit combinations represent textonyms."
, ""
, "5 most ambiguous:"
] ++
fmap (showTextonym wa) ambiguous ++
["", "5 longest:"] ++ fmap (showTextonym wl) longer</lang>
<pre>There are 24978 words in unixdict.txt which can be represented by the digit key mapping.
They require 22903 digit combinations to represent them.
1473 digit combinations represent textonyms.
5 most ambiguous:
269 -> amy any bmw bow box boy cow cox coy
729 -> paw pax pay paz raw ray saw sax say
2273 -> acre bard bare base cape card care case
726 -> pam pan ram ran sam san sao scm
426 -> gam gao ham han ian ibm ibn
5 longest:
25287876746242 -> claustrophobia claustrophobic
7244967473642 -> schizophrenia schizophrenic
666628676342 -> onomatopoeia onomatopoeic
49376746242 -> hydrophobia hydrophobic
2668368466 -> contention convention</pre>
