Text to HTML: Difference between revisions

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m →‎{{header|Pike}}: capitalize Pike
→‎Tcl: Added implementation
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{{Draft task|Text processing}}
When developing a Website it is occasionally necessary to handle text that is received without formatting, and present it in a pleasing manner. to achieve this the text needs to be converted to HTML.
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return root;
This renderer doesn't do all that much. Indeed, it deliberately avoids doing all the complexity that is possible; instead it seeks to just provide the minimum that could possibly be useful to someone who is doing very simple text pages.
<lang tcl>package require Tcl 8.5
proc splitParagraphs {text} {
split [regsub -all {\n\s*(\n\s*)+} [string trim $text] \u0000] "\u0000"
proc determineParagraph {para} {
set para [regsub -all {\s*\n\s*} $para " "]
switch -regexp -- $para {
{^\s*\*+\s} {
return [list ul [string trimleft $para " \t*"]]
{^\s*\d+\.\s} {
set para [string trimleft $para " \t\n0123456789"]
set para [string range $para 1 end]
return [list ol [string trimleft $para " \t"]]
{^#+\s} {
return [list heading [string trimleft $para " \t#"]]
return [list normal $para]
proc markupParagraphContent {para} {
set para [string map {& &amp; < &lt; > &gt;} $para]
regsub -all {_([\w&;]+)_} $para {<i>\1</i>} para
regsub -all {\*([\w&;]+)\*} $para {<b>\1</b>} para
regsub -all {`([\w&;]+)`} $para {<tt>\1</tt>} para
return $para
proc markupText {title text} {
set title [string map {& &amp; < &lt; > &gt;} $title]
set result "<html>"
append result "<head><title>" $title "</title>\n</head>"
append result "<body>" "<h1>$title</h1>\n"
set state normal
foreach para [splitParagraphs $text] {
lassign [determineParagraph $para] type para
set para [markupParagraphContent $para]
switch $state,$type {
normal,normal {append result "<p>" $para "</p>\n"}
normal,heading {
append result "<h2>" $para "</h2>\n"
set type normal
normal,ol {append result "<ol>" "<li>" $para "</li>\n"}
normal,ul {append result "<ul>" "<li>" $para "</li>\n"}
ul,normal {append result "</ul>" "<p>" $para "</p>\n"}
ul,heading {
append result "</ul>" "<h2>" $para "</h2>\n"
set type normal
ul,ol {append result "</ul>" "<ol>" "<li>" $para "</li>\n"}
ul,ul {append result "<li>" $para "</li>\n"}
ol,normal {append result "</ol>" "<p>" $para "</p>\n"}
ol,heading {
append result "</ol>" "<h2>" $para "</h2>\n"
set type normal
ol,ol {append result "<li>" $para "</li>\n"}
ol,ul {append result "</ol>" "<ul>" "<li>" $para "</li>\n"}
set state $type
if {$state ne "normal"} {
append result "</$state>"
return [append result "</body></html>"]
Here's an example of how it would be used.
<lang tcl>set sample "
This is an example of how a pseudo-markdown-ish formatting scheme could
work. It's really much simpler than markdown, but does support a few things.
# Block paragraph types
* This is a bulleted list
* And this is the second item in it
1. Here's a numbered list
2. Second item
3. Third item
# Inline formatting types
The formatter can render text with _italics_, *bold* and in a `typewriter`
font. It also does the right thing with <angle brackets> and &amp;ersands,
but relies on the encoding of the characters to be conveyed separately."
puts [markupText "Sample" $sample]</lang>
<lang html><html><head><title>Sample</title>
<p>This is an example of how a pseudo-markdown-ish formatting scheme could work. It's really much simpler than markdown, but does support a few things.</p>
<h2>Block paragraph types</h2>
<ul><li>This is a bulleted list</li>
<li>And this is the second item in it</li>
</ul><ol><li>Here's a numbered list</li>
<li>Second item</li>
<li>Third item</li>
</ol><h2>Inline formatting types</h2>
<p>The formatter can render text with <i>italics</i>, <b>bold</b> and in a <tt>typewriter</tt> font. It also does the right thing with &lt;angle brackets&gt; and &amp;amp;ersands, but relies on the encoding of the characters to be conveyed separately.</p>