Text processing/Max licenses in use: Difference between revisions

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(Added groovy version)
(Added more Racketty implementation in →‎{{header|Racket}})
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The following takes advantage of a combination of ''for/fold'' and ''(in-lines)'' (and is possible more in the Racket idiom, rather than just using ''(read-line)'' and ''(regexp-match)'':
<lang racket>#lang racket
;;; reads a licence file on standard input
;;; returns max licences used and list of times this occurred
(define (count-licences)
(define (sub-count-licences)
(for/fold ((in-use 0) (max-in-use 0) (times-list null))
((ln (in-lines)))
(let ((mtch (regexp-match #px"License (IN |OUT) @ (.*) for job.*" ln)))
[(string=? "OUT" (second mtch))
(let ((in-use+1 (add1 in-use)))
[(> in-use+1 max-in-use) (values in-use+1 in-use+1 (list (third mtch)))]
[(= in-use+1 max-in-use) (values in-use+1 max-in-use (cons (third mtch) times-list))]
[else (values in-use+1 max-in-use times-list)]))]
[(string=? "IN " (second mtch)) (values (sub1 in-use) max-in-use times-list)]
[else (values in-use max-in-use times-list)]))))
(let-values (((in-use max-in-use times-list) (sub-count-licences)))
(values max-in-use (reverse times-list))))
(define-values (max-used max-used-when) (with-input-from-file "mlijobs.txt" count-licences))
(printf "Maximum licences in simultaneously used is ~a at the following times:~%" max-used)
(for-each displayln max-used-when)</lang>
(Same output)