Text processing/2: Difference between revisions

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m (added whitespace before the TOC (table of contents), elided STYLE from the PRE html tag.)
(Added Nim solution)
Line 1,574:
<lang Nim>
import strutils, tables
const NumFields = 49
const DateField = 0
const FlagGoodValue = 1
var badRecords: int # the number of records that have invalid formatted values
var totalRecords: int # the total number of records in the file
var badInstruments: int # the total number of records that have at least one instrument showing error
var seenDates = newTable[string,bool]() # table that keeps track of what dates we have seen
# ensure we can parse all records as floats (except the date stamp)
proc checkFloats(floats:seq[string]): bool =
for index in 1..NumFields-1:
# we're assuming all instrument flags are floats not integers
discard parseFloat(floats[index])
except ValueError:
return false
# ensure that all sensor flags are ok
proc areAllFlagsOk(instruments: seq[string]): bool =
#flags start at index 2, and occur every 2 fields
for index in countup(2,NumFields,2):
# we're assuming all instrument flags are floats not integers
var flag = parseFloat(instruments[index])
if flag < FlagGoodValue: return false
# Note: we're not checking the format of the date stamp
# main
var lines = readFile("readings.txt")
var currentLine: int
for line in lines.splitLines:
#empty lines don't count as records
if line.len == 0: continue
var tokens = line.split({' ','\t'})
if tokens.len != NumFields:
if not checkFloats(tokens):
if not areAllFlagsOk(tokens):
if seenDates.hasKeyOrPut(tokens[DateField], true):
echo tokens[DateField], " duplicated on line ", currentLine
var goodRecords = totalRecords - badRecords
var goodInstruments = goodRecords - badInstruments
echo "Total Records:", totalRecords
echo "Good Records:", goodRecords
echo "Records where all instuments were OK:", goodInstruments
<lang ocaml>#load "str.cma"