Text processing/2: Difference between revisions

Content deleted Content added
'find' -> 'fully'
Added zkl
Line 2,407:
Invalid data records: 454
Total records: 5471</lang>
<lang zkl> // the RegExp engine has a low limit on groups so
// I can't use it to select all fields, only verify them
re:=RegExp(0'|^(\d+-\d+-\d+)| + 0'|\s+\d+\.\d+\s+-*\d+| * 24 + ".+$");
w:=Utils.Helpers.zipW(File("readings.txt"),[1..]); //-->lazy (line,line #)
reg datep,N, good=0, dd=0;
foreach line,n in (w){
N=n; // since n is local to this scope
if (not re.search(line)){ println("Line %d: malformed".fmt(n)); continue; }
date:=line[re.matchedNs[1].xplode()]; // I can group the date field
if (datep==date){ dd+=1; println("Line %4d: dup date: %s".fmt(n,date)); }
if (line.replace("\t"," ").split(" ").filter()[1,*] // blow fields apart, drop date
.pump(Void,T.fp(Void.Read,1), // get (reading,status)
fcn(_,s){ // stop on first problem status and return True
if(s.strip().toInt()<1) T(Void.Stop,True) else False
})) continue;
println("%d records read, %d duplicate dates, %d valid".fmt(N,dd,good));</lang>
Line 85: dup date: 1990-03-25
Line 456: dup date: 1991-03-31
Line 820: dup date: 1992-03-29
Line 1184: dup date: 1993-03-28
Line 1911: dup date: 1995-03-26
5471 records read, 5 duplicate dates, 5017 valid
{{omit from|GUISS}}