Text processing/1: Difference between revisions

m (→‎{{header|PureBasic}}: some cleanup)
Line 860:
Maximum of 589 consecutive false readings, starting on line /1993-02-09/ and ending on line /1993-03-05/</pre>
== Icon and Unicon ==
<lang Icon>record badrun(count,fromdate,todate) # record to track bad runs
procedure main()
return mungetask1("readings1-input.txt","readings1-output.txt")
procedure mungetask1(fin,fout)
fin := open(fin) | stop("Unable to open input file ",fin)
fout := open(fout,"w") | stop("Unable to open output file ",fout)
F_tot := F_acc := F_rej := 0 # data set totals
rejmax := badrun(-1) # longest reject runs
rejcur := badrun(0) # current reject runs
while line := read(fin) do {
line ? {
ldate := tab(many(&digits ++ '-')) # date (poorly checked)
fields := tot := rej := 0 # record counters & totals
while tab(many(' \t')) do { # whitespace before every pair
value := real(tab(many(&digits++'-.'))) | stop("Bad value in ",ldate)
tab(many(' \t'))
flag := integer(tab(many(&digits++'-'))) | stop("Bad flag in ",ldate)
fields +:= 1
if flag > 0 then { # good data, ends a bad run
if rejcur.count > rejmax.count then rejmax := rejcur
rejcur := badrun(0)
tot +:= value
else { # bad (flagged) data
if rejcur.count = 0 then rejcur.fromdate := ldate
rejcur.todate := ldate
rejcur.count +:= 1
rej +:= 1
F_tot +:= tot
F_acc +:= acc := fields - rej
F_rej +:= rej
write(fout,"Line: ",ldate," Reject: ", rej," Accept: ", acc," Line_tot: ",tot," Line_avg: ", if acc > 0 then tot / acc else 0)
write(fout,"\nTotal = ",F_tot,"\nReadings = ",F_acc,"\nRejects = ",F_rej,"\nAverage = ",F_tot / F_acc)
if rejmax.count > 0 then
write(fout,"Maximum run of bad data was ",rejmax.count," readings from ",rejmax.fromdate," to ",rejmax.todate)
write(fout,"No bad runs of data")
Sample Output:
Line: 2004-12-28 Reject: 1 Accept: 23 Line_tot: 77.80000000000001 Line_avg: 3.382608695652174
Line: 2004-12-29 Reject: 1 Accept: 23 Line_tot: 56.3 Line_avg: 2.447826086956522
Line: 2004-12-30 Reject: 1 Accept: 23 Line_tot: 65.3 Line_avg: 2.839130434782609
Line: 2004-12-31 Reject: 1 Accept: 23 Line_tot: 47.3 Line_avg: 2.056521739130435
Total = 1358393.399999999
Readings = 129403
Rejects = 1901
Average = 10.49738723213526
Maximum run of bad data was 589 readings from 1993-02-09 to 1993-03-05</pre>
The Icon solution works in Unicon.
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