Ternary logic: Difference between revisions

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Direct translations of the truth tables to lambda calculus. The operators could be golfed significantly. If you do so, please add them here!
<syntaxhighlight lang="bruijn">
true [[[0]]]
maybe [[[1]]]
false [[[2]]]
¬‣ [0 true maybe false]
…⋀… [[1 (0 1 1 1) (0 0 0 1) (0 0 0 0)]]
…⋁… [[1 (0 0 0 0) (0 1 0 0) (0 1 1 1)]]
…⊃… [[1 (0 true 0 1) (0 true 1 1) (0 1 1 1)]]
…≡… [[1 (0 true 0 1) (0 1 1 1) (0 0 0 0)]]
# --- result samples ---
:import std/List .
main [[inp <> "=" <> !res ++ "\n"] <++> (cross3 ops trits trits)]
!‣ [0 "false" "maybe" "true"]
…<>… [[1 ++ " " ++ 0]]
inp 0 [[~1 <> (0 [[!1 <> (0 [[!1]])]])]]
res ^(^0) ^(~0) ^(~(~0))
ops (…⋀… : "and") : ((…⋁… : "or") : ((…⊃… : "if") : {}(…≡… : "equiv")))
trits true : (maybe : {}false)
and true true = true
and true maybe = maybe
and true false = false
and maybe true = maybe
and maybe maybe = maybe
and maybe false = false
and false true = false
and false maybe = false
and false false = false
or true true = true
or true maybe = true
or true false = true
or maybe true = true
or maybe maybe = maybe
or maybe false = maybe
or false true = true
or false maybe = maybe
or false false = false
if true true = true
if true maybe = true
if true false = true
if maybe true = maybe
if maybe maybe = maybe
if maybe false = true
if false true = false
if false maybe = maybe
if false false = true
equiv true true = true
equiv true maybe = maybe
equiv true false = false
equiv maybe true = maybe
equiv maybe maybe = maybe
equiv maybe false = maybe
equiv false true = false
equiv false maybe = maybe
equiv false false = true