Terminal control/Cursor positioning: Difference between revisions

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Using ANSI escape sequence, where ESC[y;xH moves curser to row y, col x:<lang Python>print("\033[6;3HHello")</lang>
Using ANSI escape sequence, where ESC[y;xH moves curser to row y, col x:<lang Python>print("\033[6;3HHello")</lang>
On Windows it needs to import and init the [http://code.google.com/p/colorama/ colorama] module first.
On Windows it needs to import and init the [http://code.google.com/p/colorama/ colorama] module first.

ANSI sequences are not recognized in Windows console, here is a program using Windows API:

<lang python>from ctypes import *


class COORD(Structure):
COORD._fields_ = [("X", c_short), ("Y", c_short)]

def print_at(r, c, s):
h = windll.kernel32.GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE)
windll.kernel32.SetConsoleCursorPosition(h, COORD(c, r))
c = s.encode("windows-1252")
windll.kernel32.WriteConsoleA(h, c_char_p(c), len(c), None, None)

print_at(6, 3, "Hello")</lang>
