Tamagotchi emulator: Difference between revisions

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<lang ecmascript>import "/dynamic" for Struct
import "random" for Random
import "/fmt" for Fmt
import "/ioutil" for Input
import "/str" for Str
var fields = ["name", "age", "bored", "food", "poop"]
var Tamagotchi = Struct.create("Tamagotchi", fields)
var tama // current Tamagotchi
var rand = Random.new()
var verbs = [
"Ask", "Ban", "Bash", "Bite", "Break", "Build",
"Cut", "Dig", "Drag", "Drop", "Drink", "Enjoy",
"Eat", "End", "Feed", "Fill", "Force", "Grasp",
"Gas", "Get", "Grab", "Grip", "Hoist", "House",
"Ice", "Ink", "Join", "Kick", "Leave", "Marry",
"Mix", "Nab", "Nail", "Open", "Press", "Quash",
"Rub", "Run", "Save", "Snap", "Taste", "Touch",
"Use", "Vet", "View", "Wash", "Xerox", "Yield"
var nouns = [
"arms", "bugs", "boots", "bowls", "cabins", "cigars",
"dogs", "eggs", "fakes", "flags", "greens", "guests",
"hens", "hogs", "items", "jowls", "jewels", "juices",
"kits", "logs", "lamps", "lions", "levers", "lemons",
"maps", "mugs", "names", "nests", "nights", "nurses",
"orbs", "owls", "pages", "posts", "quests", "quotas",
"rats", "ribs", "roots", "rules", "salads", "sauces",
"toys", "urns", "vines", "words", "waters", "zebras"
var boredIcons = ["💤", "💭", "❓"]
var foodIcons = ["🍼", "🍔", "🍟", "🍰", "🍜"]
var poopIcons = ["💩"]
var sickIcons1 = ["😄", "😃", "😀", "😊", "😎", "👍"] // ok
var sickIcons2 = ["😪", "😥", "😰", "😓"] // ailing
var sickIcons3 = ["😩", "😫"] // bad
var sickIcons4 = ["😡", "😱"] // very bad
var sickIcons5 = ["❌", "💀", "👽", "😇"] // dead
// convert to string and add braces {}
var brace = Fn.new { |chars| "{" + chars.join() + "}" }
var create = Fn.new { |name| tama = Tamagotchi.new(name, 0, 0, 2, 0) }
// too much boredom / food / poop
var sickness = Fn.new {
// dies at age 42 at the latest
return tama.poop + tama.bored + 0.max(tama.age-32) + (tama.food-2).abs
// alive if sickness <= 10
var alive = Fn.new { sickness.call() <= 10 }
var feed = Fn.new { tama.food = tama.food + 1 }
// may or may not help with boredom
var play = Fn.new { tama.bored = 0.max(tama.bored-rand.int(2)) }
var talk = Fn.new {
var verb = verbs[rand.int(verbs.count)]
var noun = nouns[rand.int(nouns.count)]
System.print("😮 : %(verb) the %(noun).")
tama.bored = 0.max(tama.bored-1)
var clean = Fn.new { tama.poop = 0.max(tama.poop-1) }
// get older / eat food / get bored / poop
var wait = Fn.new {
tama.age = tama.age + 1
tama.bored = tama.bored + rand.int(2)
tama.food = 0.max(tama.food-2)
tama.poop = tama.poop + rand.int(2)
// get boredom / food / poop icons
var status = Fn.new {
if (alive.call()) {
var b = []
var f = []
var p = []
for (i in 0...tama.bored) {
for (i in 0...tama.food) {
for (i in 0...tama.poop) {
return Fmt.swrite("$s $s $s", brace.call(b), brace.call(f), brace.call(p))
return " R.I.P"
// get health status from sickness level
var health = Fn.new {
var s = sickness.call()
var icon
if (s == 0 || s == 1 || s == 2) {
icon = sickIcons1[rand.int(sickIcons1.count)]
} else if (s == 3 || s == 4) {
icon = sickIcons2[rand.int(sickIcons2.count)]
} else if (s == 5 || s == 6) {
icon = sickIcons3[rand.int(sickIcons3.count)]
} else if (s == 7 || s == 8 || s == 9 || s == 10) {
icon = sickIcons4[rand.int(sickIcons4.count)]
} else {
icon = sickIcons5[rand.int(sickIcons5.count)]
Fmt.print("$s (🎂 $d) $s $d $s\n", tama.name, tama.age, icon, s, status.call())
var blurb = Fn.new {
System.print("When the '?' prompt appears, enter an action optionally")
System.print("followed by the number of repetitions from 1 to 9.")
System.print("If no repetitions are specified, one will be assumed.")
System.print("The available options are: feed, play, talk, clean or wait.\n")
System.print(" ===================\n")
var name = Input.text("Enter the name of your tamagotchi : ", 1)
name = Str.lower(name.trim())
Fmt.print("\n$*s (age) health {bored} {food} {poop}\n", -name.count, "name")
var count = 0
while (alive.call()) {
var input = Str.lower(Input.text("? ", 1).trim())
var items = input.split(" ").where { |s| s != "" }.toList
if (items.count > 2) continue
var action = items[0]
if (action != "feed" && action != "play" && action != "talk" &&
action != "clean" && action != "wait") continue
var reps = 1
if (items.count == 2) reps = Num.fromString(items[1])
for (i in 0...reps) {
if (action == "feed") {
} else if (action == "play") {
} else if (action == "talk") {
} else if (action == "clean") {
} else if (action == "wait") {
// simulate wait on every third (non-wait) action, say
if (action != "wait") {
count= count + 1
if (count%3 == 0) wait.call()
Sample game - a bit reckless to keep it short.
Enter the name of your tamagotchi : marcus
name (age) health {bored} {food} {poop}
marcus (🎂 0) 😀 0 {} {🍜🍜} {}
When the '?' prompt appears, enter an action optionally
followed by the number of repetitions from 1 to 9.
If no repetitions are specified, one will be assumed.
The available options are: feed, play, talk, clean or wait.
? feed 6
marcus (🎂 2) 😥 4 {💭} {🍜🍟🍼🍟} {💩}
? talk 3
😮 : End the dogs.
😮 : Drink the roots.
😮 : Press the logs.
marcus (🎂 3) 😎 1 {} {🍟🍜} {💩}
? feed 6
marcus (🎂 5) 😩 5 {❓} {🍜🍜🍰🍔} {💩💩}
? clean 2
marcus (🎂 5) 😰 3 {💤} {🍼🍜🍟🍔} {}
? play 4
marcus (🎂 7) 😫 5 {💭💭💭} {} {}
? feed 6
marcus (🎂 9) 😓 4 {💤❓❓💭} {🍜🍜} {}
? wait 2
marcus (🎂 11) 😱 8 {❓💤💭💭❓} {} {💩}
? feed 6
marcus (🎂 13) 😱 9 {💤💤❓💭💭❓} {🍼🍰} {💩💩💩}
? clean 3
marcus (🎂 14) 😡 9 {❓💤❓❓💭💤} {} {💩}
? talk 2
😮 : Feed the rats.
😮 : Save the items.
marcus (🎂 14) 😡 7 {❓💤💭❓} {} {💩}
? wait 2
marcus (🎂 16) 😱 9 {💭💭💤❓💭} {} {💩💩}
? clean 2
marcus (🎂 17) 😱 8 {💭❓💭💤❓💭} {} {}
? feed 6
marcus (🎂 19) 😡 9 {💤💤💭💭💭💭❓❓} {🍰🍔} {💩}
? play 5
marcus (🎂 21) 👽 12 R.I.P
