Talk:Ternary logic: Difference between revisions

(→‎if a then b: Has roots in "implies" then...)
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:: That's equivelant to a <= b, I was more curious where the "if then" notation came from. --[[User:Ledrug|Ledrug]] 01:29, 27 August 2011 (UTC)
:::It started as plain old "implies" probably. Then something had to be used for "maybe". I'd say ask whoever came up with [[wp:Many-valued_logic#Examples|this]]. It certainly wasn't invented for this task. --[[User:Mwn3d|Mwn3d]] 03:06, 27 August 2011 (UTC)
I included ⊃ and ≡ as (for some reason) they are part of the original [[wp:ALGOL 60|ALGOL 60]] specification. (Strange but true!) But in binary ⊃ does not seem to useful, AFAIK I have never used it. But in the case of Ternary logic ⊃ seems to be useful in tautologies so I included it. Indeed @Kernigh is correct to say it is logically equivalent to '''(not a) or b'''
Note: ⊃ is the same as → and ⇒ operations. c.f. [[wp:List of logic symbols|List of logic symbols]]
Also ⇔, ≡ and ↔ are equivalent.
BTW: the operators /\ and \/ were originally part of the [[wp:C programming language|C programming language]], they appear to be borrowed from the ALGOL ∧ and ∨ operators. Indeed the character "\" was included in ASCII for this specific purpose.
[[User:NevilleDNZ|NevilleDNZ]] 04:04, 27 August 2011 (UTC)