Talk:Sort disjoint sublist

Revision as of 12:58, 14 February 2011 by Rdm (talk | contribs)

Adapted from a question/answer here. Note that the solution for languages with pointers might be different than the Python as you may be able to adapt a sort routine to sort via an extra level of indirection. --Paddy3118 06:34, 12 February 2011 (UTC)

... Which has just been done by the Go example. Sweet! --Paddy3118 06:02, 14 February 2011 (UTC)
I expect that swapping through a level of indirection to be less efficient than extracting the values, sorting them, then putting them back, for typical machine architectures and random sorts. --Rdm 12:58, 14 February 2011 (UTC)
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