Talk:Solve a Hidato puzzle: Difference between revisions

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glp_intopt: cannot solve LP relaxation</lang>
:: My glpsol version string is <code>GLPSOL: GLPK LP/MIP Solver, v4.45</code>, which might be why it doesn't have <code>--minisat</code>. Examples were run without it, not sure if that switch was crucial or not. --[[User:Ledrug|Ledrug]] 19:53, 4 May 2012 (UTC)
:::The no feasible solution error implies that the data file you created contained an error, as there is a feasible solution to a correct data file. The --minisat is needed to avoid the numerical instability with a correct data file.--[[User:Nigel Galloway|Nigel Galloway]] 13:26, 5 May 2012 (UTC)
:::I have added an example in Ruby which shows that no time problem exists if the path length between hints is reasonable. The new C version could check the length of the path it is looking for and not adopt the new strategy if it is reasonably short, hence not slowing down normal puzzles.--[[User:Nigel Galloway|Nigel Galloway]] 13:26, 5 May 2012 (UTC)
:::The following graph shows an example where if the path 1 2 5 6 etc is chosen, everything thinks it has reasonable connectivity, but they are kidding themselves. Graphs like this have efficient general solutions, they occur for instance in garbage collectors and glpk.--[[User:Nigel Galloway|Nigel Galloway]] 13:26, 5 May 2012 (UTC)
[[File:Snake2.PNG|centerHidato problem]]
Note that that example is trivial for a human. Does anyone have any clever way to deal with such cases? --[[User:Ledrug|Ledrug]] 00:59, 3 May 2012 (UTC)
