Direct copy of Project Euler problems

This is the second Project Euler problem which is proposed as Rosetta Task without any change. Of course, there is no copyright on this problems but are we going to take all Project Euler problems to feed Rosetta Code? Moreover, this is not fair for Project Euler as we are now spoiling its problems by providing solutions. I suggest removing this task and the task Permuted_multiples. --lscrd (talk) 16:19, 5 September 2021 (UTC)

I agree. If I hadn't gotten so much push back before when I tried to moderate added draft tasks this would already be gone. --Thundergnat (talk) 17:39, 5 September 2021 (UTC)
I also agree that Calmosoft should be asked to desist from posting any more unmodified Project Euler tasks or risk having them deleted. However, I'd let the ones that have already been posted stand as a lot of thought has been put into finding optimal solutions by various contributors. --PureFox (talk) 17:54, 5 September 2021 (UTC)
+1 however Permuted_multiples potentially has some merit, unlike this task and especially Special_pythagorean_triplet, which is entirely about devising an efficient algorithm and nothing at all to do with the differences between programming languages. Mind you the same could be said for the older Sum_multiples_of_3_and_5. I certainly don't envy anyone trying to police this. One thing Calmosoft is either unwilling or incapable of comprehending is that projecteuler plainly says "don't", though it is more debateable as to who is making a more of a fool of themselves: him for posting these tasks in the first place, or those of us that far too eagerly start submitting solutions, and I am not entirely innocent there. --Pete Lomax (talk) 18:08, 5 September 2021 (UTC)
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