Talk:Odd word problem: Difference between revisions

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This task instead of being a normal task (which asks us to accomplish something) is currently specifying *how* we achieve that end. Specifically, it asks us to buffer a sequence of characters implicitly and not explicitly. Personally, I think that this kind of task bends the spirit of rosettacode: operations that can be implicit in one language may need to be explicit in another.
So, I propose that we bend the task, to compensate. Specifically: I propose that when a task forbids certain programming constructs and mandates others, that thisthe "forbidden constructs" be allowed in support code which is not a part of the task implementation itself (in other words: link to the support code but do not include it on the task page). This should ideally be generalized utility code which emulates facilities used in "acceptable" solutions, but I do not think it's fair (or even possible) to mandate that for the general case of tasks which step over the line from specifying the ends to specifying the means.
(Specifically, in this case, I would want to implement co-routines and character-at-a-time streams, for J. But in general we are supposed to be allowing "best effort" implementations, and not requiring specific language semantics.)