Talk:Hofstadter Figure-Figure sequences: Difference between revisions

→‎timings for the REXX solutions: added a new section. -- ~~~~
(→‎timings for the REXX solutions: added a new section. -- ~~~~)
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==Factor solution==
Marked incorrect as the task asks that particular ranges of values of ffr and ffs be collected and compared to the range of integers 1..1000. The current solution starts of by ignoring ffr and ffs then assuming that the first 1000 values of something are equal to ... --[[User:Paddy3118|Paddy3118]] 19:46, 8 December 2011 (UTC)
==timings for the REXX solutions==
I normally don't including timings for the REXX solutions that I post, but when I saw the 2<sup>nd</sup> REXX example's timings,
<br>I decided to go back and include the timings here as the 2<sup>nd</sup> example's timings seemed a bit high.
<br>I didn't expect a magnitude difference.
<lang rexx>/*REXX pgm to calculate & verify the Hofstadter Figure-Figure sequences.*/
call time 'Reset'
parse arg x highV . /*obtain any C.L. specifications.*/
if x=='' then x=10; if highV=='' then highV=1000 /*use the defaults?*/
low=1 /*use unity as the starting point*/
if x<0 then low=abs(x) /*only show a single │X│ value.*/
r.=0; r.1=1; rr.=r.; rr.1=1 /*initialize the R and RR arrays.*/
s.=0; s.1=2; ss.=s.; ss.2=1 /* " " S " SS " .*/
do i=low to abs(x) /*show first X values of R & S */
say right('R('i") =",20) right(ffr(i),7), /*show nice*/
right('S('i") =",20) right(ffs(i),7) /* R & S */
end /*i*/
say 'took' format(time('E'),,2) "seconds."
if x<1 then exit /*stick a fork in it, we're done.*/
/*═══════════════════════════════════════verify 1st 1k: unique & present*/
both.=0 /*initialize the BOTH array. */
/*build list of 1st 40 R values.*/
do m=1 for 40; r=ffr(m) /*calculate 1st 40 R values.*/
both.r=1 /*build the BOTH array. */
end /*m*/
/*build list of 1st 960 S values.*/
do n=1 for 960; s=ffs(n) /*calculate 1st 960 S values.*/
if both.s then call sayErr 'duplicate number in R and S lists:' s
both.s=1 /*add to the BOTH array. */
end /*n*/
/*verify presence and uniqueness.*/
do v=1 for highV /*verify all 1 ≤ # ≤ 1k present.*/
if \both.v then call sayErr 'missing R │ S:' v
end /*v*/
@v='verification'; @i=" [inclusive]." /*shortcuts to shorten prog width*/
if errs==0 then say @v 'completed for all numbers from 1 ──►' highV @i
else say @v 'failed with' errs "errors."
say 'took' format(time('E'),,2) "seconds."
exit /*stick a fork in it, we're done.*/
/*──────────────────────────────────FFR subroutine──────────────────────*/
ffr: procedure expose r. s. rr. ss.; parse arg n
if r.n\==0 then return r.n /*Defined? Then return the value.*/
_=ffr(n-1) + ffs(n-1) /*calculate the FFR value. */
r.n=_; rr._=1 /*assign the value to R and RR.*/
return _ /*return the value to the invoker*/
/*──────────────────────────────────FFS subroutine──────────────────────*/
ffs: procedure expose r. s. rr. ss.; parse arg n
do k=1 for n while s.n==0 /*search for not null R │ S num.*/
if s.k\==0 & ffr(k)\==0 then iterate
km=k-1; /*the next SS number, possibly.*/
_=_+rr._ /*maybe adjust for the FRR num.*/
s.k=_; ss._=1 /*define couple of FFS numbers.*/
end /*k*/
return s.n /*return the value to the invoker*/
/*──────────────────────────────────SAYERR subroutine───────────────────*/
sayErr: errs=errs+1; say; say '***error***!'; say; say arg(1); say; return</lang>
'''output''' when using the defaults:
<pre style="overflow:scroll">
R(1) = 1 S(1) = 2
R(2) = 3 S(2) = 4
R(3) = 7 S(3) = 5
R(4) = 12 S(4) = 6
R(5) = 18 S(5) = 8
R(6) = 26 S(6) = 9
R(7) = 35 S(7) = 10
R(8) = 45 S(8) = 11
R(9) = 56 S(9) = 13
R(10) = 69 S(10) = 14
took 0.00 seconds.
verification completed for all numbers from 1 ──► 1000 [inclusive].
took 1.58 seconds.
The (above) example was run under Windows 7 on my HP box (3.2GHz) using Regina.