Talk:Evaluate binomial coefficients: Difference between revisions

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: For the human reader whose HM comments have been deleted, the parseable type hints to the '''mypy''' checker have a '''poorer signal to noise ratio'''. Cognitively redundant 'Callable' names are multiply inserted where HM needs none, each also bringing 4 additional square brackets. In some instances type names require lower case, in others upper case. The simply polymorphic HM `a` (any type) is replaced by the more verbose '''Any''' (or even '''typing.Any''').
:: For example, given an '''enumFromTo''' function which handlesexpands enumerations of any enumerable type,
:: (e.g. Char or Bool enumerations '''['a' .. 'z']''', '''[False .. True]'''
:: as well as Int and Float enumerations '''[1.. 10]''', '''[1.5 .. 10.5]'''),
