Talk:Diophantine linear system solving

Revision as of 11:30, 25 February 2022 by rosettacode>Plinio (Standard C)

Hello everyone.

I wrote a standard C port of the FreeBasic program. It's a pretty much verbatim rewriting. All the tests give the same exact result. I'm willing to put it in here but:

1) I don't know how to proceed. Do I just have to edit the "Diophantine linear system solving" page? Is there a correct way to do that?

2) I read the talk. This is a quote from --Pete Lomax (talk) 15:01, 26 December 2021 (UTC): "From my point of view I'd like to know more about how this might be used/prove useful in some future (non-rc) project". I've actually done the porting for that exact reason. I had a problem, a really important one at that. I wanted to solve minesweeper. I needed a way to find ALL possible combinations of bombs, given the constraints of the minefield in a particular situation. Sadly enough this method gives only one solution. One valid solution, but not necessarily the correct one. So mine is the question of the lazy person I am: where do I need to look in this procedure to find something to change in order to being able to obtain all the possible solutions, not just one of the simplest?

I hope it makes some sense (my inglysch sucks).

ps: again, how do i insert the code? who do i need to send i to?

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