Talk:Arbitrary-precision integers (included)

Revision as of 11:49, 13 February 2010 by rosettacode>Dkf (→‎Use of external libraries: Built-in or common lib where that's language-idiomatic?)

Use of external libraries

I strongly recommend allowing the use of external libraries in the case where the language doesn't have inherent bignum support. Otherwise, you would need a more generalized task, and I don't see a point to the example code duplication that would require. --Michael Mol 08:33, 13 February 2010 (UTC)

Hi Michael, I am trying to distinguish between the use of a library that is associated with the language versus one that is generic. It is a grey area because, for example, CPAN does wrap GNU MP which would make it fine as you would assume that the average Perl user would have no problem installing the CPAN module. But what of some other language with a generic interface to C/C++ that needs a generic download of the GNU MP source, compiled, then loaded with a generic inter-language call capability? I am trying to exclude this latter case as we already have an entry for calling other languages and I would like this task to not degenerate into showing how half the languages can link to GNU MP.
Another grey area might be languages where the norm is to use libraries from a another language that it is very close to. All the .Net languages might use a standard Bignum implemented in C#; or JVM languages use the standard Java Bignum. In these cases, where the languages regularly and normally share 'standard' libraries, then I think they should go ahead and use it. --Paddy3118 09:14, 13 February 2010 (UTC)
I guess I'm trying to make the '... (included)' tasks show more of what comes with very little effort, and is known to work, with the language itself. --Paddy3118 09:23, 13 February 2010 (UTC)
So, you're looking for what people can do within the language or with a very common add-on library? (In some languages, it's normal and expected to be using extra libraries for things, and so the core language itself has very little functionality.) –Donal Fellows 11:49, 13 February 2010 (UTC)
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