Take notes on the command line: Difference between revisions

Added uBasic/4tH version
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(Added uBasic/4tH version)
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{{works with|R3}}
The lack of built-in high level time and date functions makes it more difficult than necessary, since they have to be implemented by user defined functions.
<lang>If Cmd (0) > 1 Then ' if there are commandline arguments
If Set (a, Open ("notes.txt", "a")) < 0 Then
Print "Cannot write \qnotes.txt\q" ' open the file in "append" mode
End ' on error, issue message and exit
' write the date and time
Write a, Show (FUNC(_DateStr (Time ())));" ";Show (FUNC(_TimeStr (Time ())))
Write a, "\t"; ' prepend with a tab
For i = 2 To Cmd (0) - 1 ' now write all commandline arguments
Write a, Show (Cmd (i)); " "; ' with the exception of the last one
Write a, Show (Cmd (Cmd (0))) ' write the last argument
Else ' if no commandline arguments are given
If Set (a, Open ("notes.txt", "r")) < 0 Then
Print "Cannot read \qnotes.txt\q" ' open the file in "read" mode
End ' on error, issue message and exit
Do While Read (a) ' read until EOF
Print Show (Tok (0)) ' show the entire line
Loop ' and repeat..
Close a ' finally, close the file
_DateStr ' convert epoch to date string
Param (1)
Local (6)
a@ = a@ / 86400 ' just get the number of days since epoch
b@ = 1970+(a@/365) ' ball parking year, will not be accurate!
d@ = 0
For c@ = 1972 To b@ - 1 Step 4
If (((c@%4) = 0) * ((c@%100) # 0)) + ((c@%400) = 0) Then d@ = d@+1
b@ = 1970+((a@ - d@)/365) ' calculating accurate current year by (x - extra leap days)
e@ = ((a@ - d@)%365)+1 ' if current year is leap, set indicator to 1
f@ = (((b@%4) = 0) * ((b@%100) # 0)) + ((b@%400) = 0)
g@ = 0 ' calculating current month
For c@ = 0 To 11 Until e@ < (g@+1)
g@ = g@ + FUNC(_Monthdays (c@, f@))
' calculating current date
g@ = g@ - FUNC(_Monthdays (c@-1, f@))
' Print a@, d@, e@, f@
Return (Join (Str(b@), FUNC(_Format (c@, Dup("-"))), FUNC(_Format (e@ - g@, Dup("-")))))
_TimeStr ' convert epoch to time string
Param (1)
Return (Join(Str((a@%86400)/3600), FUNC(_Format ((a@%3600)/60, Dup(":"))), FUNC(_Format (a@%60, Dup(":")))))
_Format Param (2) : Return (Join (Iif (a@<10, Join(b@, "0"), b@), Str (a@)))
_Monthdays Param (2) : Return (((a@ + (a@<7)) % 2) + 30 - ((2 - b@) * (a@=1)))
<pre>2022-04-02 14:58:57
This is my first entry.
2022-04-02 14:59:10
It might be useful one day.
2022-04-02 14:59:27
Anyways, it seems this task is DONE!
=={{header|UNIX Shell}}==
Bash version
