Take notes on the command line: Difference between revisions

Add APL version
(Add 8086 assembly version)
(Add APL version)
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{{works with|GNU APL}}
<lang APL>#!/usr/local/bin/apl -s --
∇r←ch Join ls ⍝ Join list of strings with character
∇d←Date ⍝ Get system date as formatted string
d←'/'Join ⍕¨1⌽3↑⎕TS
∇t←Time;t24 ⍝ Get system time as formatted string
t←t24←3↑3↓⎕TS ⍝ Get system time
t[1]←t[1]-12×t24[1]≥12 ⍝ If PM (hour≥12), subtract 12 from hour
t[1]←t[1]+12×t[1]=0 ⍝ Hour 0 is hour 12 (AM)
t←¯2↑¨'0',¨⍕¨t ⍝ Convert numbers to 2-digit strings
t←(':'Join t),(1+t24[1]≥12)⊃' AM' ' PM' ⍝ Add AM/PM and ':' separator
→(¯2≡f←⎕FIO[49]'notes.txt')/0 ⍝ Read file, stop if not found
⎕←⊃f ⍝ Output file line by line
∇Write note;f;_
note←' 'Join note ⍝ flatten input and separate with spaces
note←Date,' ',Time,(⎕UCS 10 9),note,⎕UCS 10 ⍝ note format
f←'a'⎕FIO[3]'notes.txt' ⍝ append to file
_←(⎕UCS note)⎕FIO[7]f ⍝ write note to end of file
_←⎕FIO[4]f ⍝ close the file
⍎∊('Read' 'Write note')[1+0≠⍴note←4↓⎕ARG]
<pre>$ ls notes.*
$ ./notes.apl
$ ./notes.apl This is a test
$ ./notes.apl This is another test
$ ./notes.apl Note that this is a test
$ ./notes.apl
5/11/2020 09:33:14 PM
This is a test
5/11/2020 09:33:18 PM
This is another test
5/11/2020 09:33:36 PM
Note that this is a test
$ ls notes.*
notes.apl notes.txt</pre>
