Take notes on the command line: Difference between revisions

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(Rename Perl 6 -> Raku, alphabetize, minor clean-up)
(Add 8086 assembly version)
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Then all the arguments, joined with spaces, prepended with a tab, and appended with a trailing newline, are written to NOTES.TXT.
Then all the arguments, joined with spaces, prepended with a tab, and appended with a trailing newline, are written to NOTES.TXT.
If NOTES.TXT doesn't already exist in the current directory then a new NOTES.TXT file should be created.
If NOTES.TXT doesn't already exist in the current directory then a new NOTES.TXT file should be created.

=={{header|8086 Assembly}}==

This code assembles into a .COM file that runs under MS-DOS.

<lang asm> bits 16
cpu 8086
;;; MS-DOS PSP locations
cmdlen: equ 80h ; Amount of characters on cmdline
cmdtail: equ 82h ; Command line tail
;;; MS-DOS system calls
puts: equ 9h ; Print string to console
date: equ 2Ah ; Get system date
time: equ 2Ch ; Get system time
creat: equ 3Ch ; Create file
open: equ 3Dh ; Open file
close: equ 3Eh ; Close file
read: equ 3Fh ; Read from file
write: equ 40h ; Write to file
lseek: equ 42h ; Set current file position
exit: equ 4ch ; Exit
;;; File modes
O_RDONLY: equ 0
O_WRONLY: equ 1
;;; Error codes (well, we only need the one)
;;; File positions (again we need only the one)
FP_END: equ 2
;;; File buffer size
BUFSZ: equ 4096
section .text
org 100h
cmp byte [cmdlen],0 ; Is the command line empty?
je printnotes ; Then, go print current notes
;;; Retrieve and format current date and time
mov ah,date ; Retrieve date
int 21h
mov di,datefmt ; Fill in date string
xor ah,ah
mov al,dh ; Write month
mov bl,2 ; Two digits
call asciinum
add di,3 ; Onwards three positions
mov al,dl ; Write day
mov bl,2 ; Two digits
call asciinum
add di,3 ; Onwards three positions
mov ax,cx ; Write year
mov bl,4 ; Four digits
call asciinum
mov ah,time ; Get system time
int 21h
mov di,timefmt+6 ; Fill in time string
xor ah,ah
mov al,dh ; Write seconds
mov bl,2 ; Two digits
call asciinum
sub di,3 ; Back three positions
mov al,cl ; Write minutes
mov bl,2 ; Two digits
call asciinum
cmp ch,12 ; AM or PM?
jbe houram ; <=12, AM
sub ch,12 ; PM - subtract 12 hours,
mov byte [ampm],'P' ; And set the AM/PM to 'P'(M)
jmp wrhours
houram: and ch,ch ; Hour 0 is 12:XX:XX AM.
jnz wrhours
mov ch,12
wrhours: sub di,3 ; Back three positions
mov al,ch ; Write hours
mov bl,2 ; Two digits
call asciinum
;;; Open or create the NOTES.TXT file
mov dx,filnam
mov ax,open<<8|O_WRONLY
int 21h ; Try to open the file
jnc writenote ; If successful, go write the note
cmp al,ENOTFOUND ; File not found?
jne diefile ; Some other error = print error msg
mov ah,creat ; No notes file, try to create it
xor cx,cx ; Normal file (no attributes set)
int 21h
jc diefile ; If that fails too, print error msg
;;; Write the note to the file
writenote: mov bx,ax ; File handle in BX
mov ax,lseek<<8|FP_END ; Seek to end of file
xor cx,cx ; Offset 0
xor dx,dx
int 21h
jc diefile ; Error if it fails
mov dx,datetime ; Write the date/time string first
mov cx,dtsize
mov ah,write
int 21h
jc diefile ; Error if it fails
mov cx,bx ; Store file handle in CX
;;; Terminate note with \r\n
xor bx,bx ; BX = length of command line
mov bl,[cmdlen] ; Find 2 bytes past cmd input
add bx,cmdlen+1 ; Note: this might overwrite the first
mov word [bx],0A0Dh ; instruction, but we don't need it
sub bx,cmdtail-2 ; Get length (add 2 for the 0D0A)
xchg bx,cx ; File handle in BX, length in CX
mov dx,cmdtail ; Write what's on the command line
mov ah,write
int 21h
jc diefile ; Error if it fails.
jmp closeexit ; Close file and exit if it succeeds.
;;; Print the contents of the NOTES.TXT file
printnotes: mov dx,filnam ; Open file for reading
mov ax,open<<8|O_RDONLY
int 21h
jnc readnotes ; Carry flag set = error.
cmp al,ENOTFOUND ; File not found?
jne diefile ; Some other error = print error msg
jmp exitok ; Not found = no notes = just exit
readnotes: mov di,ax ; Keep the file handle in DI.
.loop mov bx,di ; Get file handle for file
mov cx,BUFSZ ; Read as many bytes as will fit in the
mov ah,read ; buffer
int 21h
jc diefile ; Carry flag set = error
and ax,ax ; If 0 bytes read, we're done.
jz .done
xor bx,bx ; File handle 0 = standard output
mov cx,ax ; Write as many bytes as we read
mov ah,write
int 21h
jc diefile
jmp .loop ; Go get more bytes if there are any
.done mov bx,di ; Done: close the file
closeexit: mov ah,close
int 21h
exitok: mov ax,exit<<8|0 ; Exit with errorlevel 0 (success)
int 21h
;;; Print 'File error' and exit.
diefile: mov dx,fileerror
;;; Print error message in DX and exit
die: mov ah,puts ; Print error message
int 21h
mov ax,exit<<8|2 ; Exit with errorlevel 2.
int 21h
;;; Subroutine: write AX as BL-digit ASCII number at [DI]
asciinum: push dx ; Store DX and CX
push cx
mov cx,10 ; CX = divisor
xor bh,bh ; We never need >255.
.loop: xor dx,dx ; Set high word of division to 0.
div cx ; AX /= CX; DX = AX % CX
add dl,'0' ; Make digit ASCII
dec bl ; Move forward one digit
mov [di+bx],dl ; Store digit
jnz .loop ; Are we there yet?
pop cx ; Restore DX and CX
pop dx
section .data
datetime: equ $ ; Start of date/time string.
datefmt: db '**/**/**** ' ; Date placeholder,
timefmt: db '**:**:** ' ; Time placeholder,
ampm: db 'AM' ; AM/PM placeholder.
db 13,10,9 ; \r\n\t
dtsize: equ $-datetime ; Size of date/time string.
fileerror: db 'File error.$' ; Printed on error
filnam: db 'NOTES.TXT',0 ; File name to use
section .bss
filebuf: resb BUFSZ ; 4K file buffer</lang>

<pre>A:\>dir/b notes.*


A:\>notes This is a note.

A:\>notes This is another note.

05/11/2020 07:52:34 PM
This is a note.
05/11/2020 07:52:38 PM
This is another note.

A:\>dir/b notes.*

