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In this task, the goal is to create a table to store addresses.
In this task, the goal is to create a table to exemplify most commonly used data types and options.

==[[UDB DB2]]==

-- This is a comment
addrID Integer generated by default as identity,
CREATE SEQUENCE account_seq start 100;
addrStreet Varchar(50) not null,
CREATE TABLE account (
addrCity Varchar(25) not null,
account_id int4 PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('account_seq'),
addrState Char(2) not null,
addrZIP Char(10) not null
created date not null default now(),
active bool not null default 't',
username varchar(16) unique not null,

age int2,
notes text

CREATE TABLE `Address` (
`addrID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`addrStreet` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
`addrCity` varchar(25) NOT NULL default '',
`addrState` char(2) NOT NULL default '',
`addrZIP` char(10) NOT NULL default '',

CREATE TABLE account_note (
account_id int4 not null REFERENCES account,

created timestamp not null default now(),
CREATE SEQUENCE address_seq start 100;
note text not null,
CREATE TABLE address (
unique(account_id, note)
addrID int4 PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('address_seq'),
street varchar(50) not null,
city varchar(25) not null,
state varchar(2) not null,
zip varchar(20) not null