Syntax highlighting using Mediawiki formatting

From Rosetta Code
Revision as of 16:55, 7 October 2023 by Tigerofdarkness (talk | contribs) (Created new draft task for simple syntax highlighting - with Algol 68 and AWK samples)
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Syntax highlighting using Mediawiki formatting is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.


When formatting a page for display, Mediawiki allows the page to include bold and italic text by placing the bold/italic text within paired repeated-single quote characters - 3 single quotes for bold and 2 for italic, 5 for bold italic.
E.g.: '''bold-word''' and ''italic-word'' appears as bold-word and italic-word.

This could be used to provide simple syntax-highlighting without the use of the relatively more expensive <syntachighlight> tags or for languages not currently supported by Pygments. A few languages on Rosetta Code are currently using schemes like this.


The task is to write a syntax highlighter that given a source in your language will output a wiki formatted version of the source with the keywords/reserved words in bold and the comments in italics.
Note that each source line (including blank lines) should be output with a leading space, to ensure the source is treated as a single block.

Additionally, translate the following characters:

  • single-quote (') to &apos;
  • ampersand (&) to &amp;
  • less-than (<) to &lt;
  • greater-than (>) to &gt;

or enclose them in <nowiki> tags.

If your language doesn't have keywords/reserved words or comments, use your judgement on what to highlight in bold or italic : )

Presenting your source

Instead of showing your source within syntaxhighlight tags and having a separate output block, just show the source as the output from your program when given its own source to process.
I.e., don't use syntaxhighlight tags.

See also


Handles upper-stropping Algol 68 sources (as used by ALGOL 68G and most other compilers).

# Convert an upper-stropped Algol 68 source to "wiki" format                  #
#    each line is preceeded by a space,                                       #
#    bold words are enclosed in ''' and ''' and comments in '' and ''         #
#    ', &, < and > are converted to &apos; &amp; &lt; and &gt;                #
#    everything else if output as is                                          #
# the source is read from stand in and written to stand out                   #
# the last line in the file must end with a newline                           #
# { and } are assumed to be alternatives for ( and ), if { } should be        #
#     treated as comments ( as in ALGOL68RS/algol68toc )                      #
#         change rs style brief comments to TRUE                              #

    # TRUE if {} delimits a nestable brief comment, as in ALGOL 68RS and      #
    #      algol68toc, FALSE if {} are alternatives to () as in ALGOL 68G     #
    BOOL rs style brief comments = FALSE;

    BOOL at eof := FALSE;     # TRUE if EOF has been reached, FALSE otherwise #
    on logical file end( stand in              # set EOF handler for stand in #
                       , ( REF FILE f )BOOL:
                             # note that we reached EOF on the latest read    #
                             # and return TRUE so processing can continue     #
                             at eof := TRUE
    CHAR   nl        = REPR 10;                           # newline character #
    INT error count := 0;                         # number of errors reported #
    STRING line     := nl;                              # current source line #
    INT    pos      := LWB line;                   # current position in line #
    CHAR   c        := " ";                        # current source character #

    PROC error = ( STRING message )VOID:                   # reports an error #
            error count +:= 1;
            print( ( newline, newline, "**** ", message, newline ) )
         END # error # ;
    # reports an unterminated construct ( e.g. string, comment )              #
    PROC unterminated = ( STRING construct )VOID: error( "Unterminated " + construct );
    PROC next char = VOID:   # gets the next source character, stores it in c #
         IF pos <= UPB line THEN
             c := line[ pos ];          # not past the end of the source line #
             pos +:= 1
         ELIF        # past the end of the current source line - get the next #
             at eof := FALSE;
             read( ( line, newline ) );
             NOT at eof
             line +:= nl;                                 # have another line #
             pos   := LWB line;
             c     := line[ pos ];
             pos  +:= 1
             line := "";                                        # reached eof #
             c    := REPR 0
         FI # next char # ;
    PROC out char = ( CHAR ch )VOID:               # conveerts and outputs ch #
         IF   ch = nl  THEN print( ( newline, " " ) )
         ELIF ch = "<" THEN print( ( "&lt;" ) )
         ELIF ch = ">" THEN print( ( "&gt;" ) )
         ELIF ch = "&" THEN print( ( "&amp;" ) )
         ELIF ch = "'" THEN print( ( "&apos;" ) )
         ELSE print( ch )
         FI # out char # ;
    # outputs a wiki start/end italic delimiter                               #
    PROC italic delimiter = VOID: print( ( "''" ) );
    # outputs a wiki start/end bold delimiter                                 #
    PROC bold delimiter = VOID: print( ( "'''" ) );
    # returns TRUE if the current character is a string delimiter             #
    PROC have string delimiter = BOOL: c = """";
    # returns TRUE if the current character can start a bold word             #
    PROC have bold = BOOL: c >= "A" AND c <= "Z";
    # outputs a brief comment to stand out                                    #
    #    end char is the closing delimiter,                                   #
    #    nested char is the opening delimiter for nestable brief comments     #
    #        if nested char is blank, the brief comment does not nest         #
    #    this handles ALGOL 68RS and algol68toc style {} comments             #
    PROC copy brief comment = ( CHAR end char, CHAR nested char )VOID:
            out char( c );
            WHILE next char;
                  NOT at eof AND c /= end char
                IF c = nested char AND nested char /= " " THEN
                    # nested brief comment                                    #
                    copy brief comment( end char, nested char )
                    # notmal comment char                                     #
                    out char( c )
            IF at eof THEN
                # unterminated comment                                        #
                unterminated( """" + end char + """ comment" );
                c := end char
            out char( c );
            next char
         END # copy brief comment # ;
    PROC copy string = VOID:    # outputs a string denotation from the source #
         WHILE have string delimiter DO         # within a string denotation, #
            WHILE out char( c );                 # "" denotes the " character #
                  next char;
                  NOT at eof AND NOT have string delimiter
            DO SKIP OD;
            IF NOT have string delimiter THEN
                unterminated( "string" );
                c := """"
            out char( c );
            next char
         OD # copy string # ;
    PROC get bold word = STRING:          # gets a bold word from then source #
            STRING result := "";
            WHILE have bold OR c = "_" DO result +:= c; next char OD;
         END # get bold word # ;
    PROC copy to bold = STRING:             # copies the source to the output #
         IF at eof                         # until a bold word is encountered #
         THEN ""
         ELSE STRING result := "";
              WHILE out char( c );
                    next char;
                    NOT at eof
                AND NOT have bold
              DO SKIP OD;
              IF NOT at eof THEN result := get bold word FI;
         FI # copy to bold # ;
    PROC bold word or comment = VOID:                # handles a bold COMMENT #
         IF STRING bold word := get bold word;           # or other bold word #
            bold word = "CO" OR bold word = "COMMENT"
            italic delimiter;                           # have a bold comment #
            STRING delimiter = bold word;
            WHILE print( ( bold word ) );
                  bold word := copy to bold;
                  NOT at eof
              AND bold word /= delimiter
            DO SKIP OD;
            IF at eof THEN
                unterminated( """" + delimiter + """ comment" )
            print( ( delimiter ) );
            italic delimiter
         ELSE                                          # some other bold word #
            bold delimiter;
            print( ( bold word ) );
            bold delimiter
         FI # bold word or comment # ;

    # copy the source to stand out, conveerting to wiki format                #
    next char;
    WHILE NOT at eof DO
        IF   c = "#" THEN                                     # brief comment #
            italic delimiter;
            copy brief comment( "#", " " );
            italic delimiter
        ELIF c = "{" AND rs style brief comments THEN
            # nestable brief comment ( ALGOL 68RS and algol68toc )            #
            italic delimiter;
            copy brief comment( "}", "{" );
            italic delimiter
        ELIF have string delimiter THEN           # STRING or CHAR denotation #
            copy string
        ELIF have bold THEN                                # have a bold word #
            bold word or comment
            # anything else                                                   #
            out char( c );
            next char

    IF error count > 0 THEN
        # had errors processing the source                                    #
        print( ( "**** ", whole( error count, 0 ), " errors", newline ) )



# convert an AWK source to wiki format
#    each line is preceeded by a space,
#    reserved words are enclosed in ''' and ''' and comments in '' and ''
#    ', &, < and > are converted to &apos; &amp; &lt; and &gt;
#    everything else if output as is
# the wiki source is written to stdout


    # reserved word list as in gawk and treating getline as reserved 
    kw = "BEGIN/BEGINFILE/END/ENDFILE/"                         \
         "break/case/continue/default/delete/do/while/else/"    \
         "exit/for/in/function/func/if/next/nextfile/switch/"   \
    n   = split( kw, reservedWords, "/" );
    for( w = 1; w <= n; w ++ )
        reserved[ reservedWords[ w ] ] = w;



    printf( " " );
    line = $0;
    gsub( /&/, "\\&amp;",  line );
    gsub( /</, "\\&lt;",   line );
    gsub( />/, "\\&gt;",   line );
    gsub( /'/, "\\&apos;", line );

    if( line != "" )
        c = "";
            if     ( c == "#" )
                # comment
                printf( "''#%s''", line );
                c = "";
            else if( c == "\"" )
                # string literal
                    if( c == "\\" )
                        printf( "%s", c );
                    printf( "%s", c );
                while( c != "\"" && c != "" );
                if( c != "\"" )
                    printf( "**** Unterminated string\n" );
                printf( "\"" );
            else if( c == "/" && lastC !~ /[A-Za-z0-9_.]/ )
                # pattern
                bracketDepth = 0;
                printf( "%s", c );
                while( c != "" && ( c != "/" || bracketDepth > 0 ) )
                    if( c == "\\" || c == "[" )
                        if     ( c == "[" )
                            bracketDepth ++;
                        printf( "%s", c );
                    else if( c == "]" )
                        bracketDepth --;
                    printf( "%s", c );
                if( c != "/" )
                    printf( "**** Unterminated pattern\n" );
                printf( "/" );
            else if( c ~ /[A-Za-z]/ )
                # have a reserved word or identifier
                word = "";
                    word = word c;
                while( c ~ /[A-Za-z0-9_]/ );
                if( word in reserved )
                    word = "'''" word "'''";
                printf( "%s", word );
                # something else
                printf( "%s", c );
        while( c != "" );
    printf( "\n" );


function nextChar()
    if( c != " " )
        # the last character wasn't a space, save it so we can recognise patterns
        lastC = c;
    if( line == "" )
        # at end of line
        c    = "";
        # not end of line
        c    = substr( line, 1, 1 );
        line = substr( line, 2 );

} # nextChar