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(Added Algol W)
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=={{header|ALGOL W}}==

'''begin''' ''comment syntax highlight an Algol W source using Mediawiki formatting''
'' the source is read from standard input and written to standard output''
'' ;''
''% Algol W strings are limited to 256 characters in length so source lines %''
''% are limited to 256 characters %''
'''integer''' lineWidth, errorCount, lowerA, upperA, linePos, kwMax;
'''integer''' MAX_TOKEN_LENGTH;
'''string'''(1) nl;
'''string'''(256) line;
'''string'''(1) currChar, commentEnd;
'''string'''(9) '''array''' kw ( 1 :: 64 );
'''logical''' inString, inComment;
''% returns true if currChar is in the inclusive range low to high, false otherwise %''
'''logical''' '''procedure''' range( '''string'''(1) '''value''' low, high ) ; currChar >= low '''and''' currChar <= high;
'''procedure''' nextChar ; ''% gets the next source character %''
'''if''' linePos = lineWidth '''then''' '''begin'''
currChar := nl;
linePos := linePos + 1
'''else''' '''if''' linePos > lineWidth '''then''' '''begin'''
readcard( line );
lineWidth := 256;
'''while''' lineWidth > 1 '''and''' line( lineWidth - 1 // 1 ) = " " '''do''' lineWidth := lineWidth - 1;
linePos := 1;
currChar := line( 0 // 1 )
'''else''' '''begin'''
currChar := line( linePos // 1 );
linePos := linePos + 1
'''end''' nextChar ;
''% returns true if the current character can start an identifier, false otherwise %''
'''logical''' '''procedure''' identifierStartChar ; range( "a", "z" ) '''or''' range( "A", "Z" );
''% returns true if the current character can be pat of an identifier, false otherwise %''
'''logical''' '''procedure''' identifierChar ; identifierStartChar '''or''' range( "0", "9" ) '''or''' currChar = "_";
'''procedure''' outAndNextChar ; '''begin''' ''% output currChar and get the next %''
'''if''' currChar = "'" '''then''' writeon( "'" )
'''else''' '''if''' currChar = "&" '''then''' writeon( "&" )
'''else''' '''if''' currChar = "<" '''then''' writeon( "<" )
'''else''' '''if''' currChar = ">" '''then''' writeon( ">" )
'''else''' '''if''' currChar = nl '''then''' '''begin'''
'''if''' inComment '''then''' writeon( "''" );
write( " " );
'''if''' inComment '''then''' writeon( "''" )
'''else''' writeon( currChar );
'''end''' outAndNextChar ;
'''procedure''' identifierOrKeyword ; '''begin''' ''% handle an indentifier or keyword %''
'''string'''(9) word, lWord;
'''integer''' wLength;
''% recursive keyword binary search %''
'''logical''' '''procedure''' isKeyword ( '''integer''' '''value''' low, high ) ;
'''if''' high < low '''then''' '''false'''
'''else''' '''begin'''
'''integer''' mid;
mid := ( low + high ) '''div''' 2;
'''if''' kw( mid ) > lWord '''then''' isKeyword( low, mid - 1 )
'''else''' '''if''' kw( mid ) = lWord '''then''' '''true'''
'''else''' isKeyword( mid + 1, high )
'''end''' binarySearchR ;
wLength := 0;
'''for''' chPos := 0 '''until''' 8 '''do''' '''begin'''
'''if''' identifierChar '''then''' '''begin'''
word( chPos // 1 ) := currChar;
lWord( chPos // 1 ) := '''if''' range( "A", "Z" ) '''then''' code( ( decode( currChar ) - upperA ) + lowerA )
'''else''' currChar;;
wLength := wLength + 1;
'''else''' '''begin'''
lWord( chPos // 1 ) := " ";
word( chPos // 1 ) := " "
'''end''' if_identifierChar__
'''end''' for_chPos ;
'''if''' identifierChar '''then''' '''begin'''
''% all keywords are <= 9 characters long so this must be an identifier %''
writeon( word );
'''while''' identifierChar '''do''' outAndNextChar
'''else''' '''if''' lWord = "comment" '''then''' '''begin'''
writeon( "''comment" );
commentEnd := ";";
inComment := '''true'''
'''else''' '''if''' isKeyword( 1, kwMax ) '''then''' '''begin'''
writeon( "'''" );
'''for''' chPos := 0 '''until''' wLength - 1 '''do''' writeon( word( chPos // 1 ) );
writeon( "'''" )
'''else''' '''begin''' ''% identifier %''
'''for''' chPos := 0 '''until''' wLength - 1 '''do''' writeon( word( chPos // 1 ) )
'''end''' if_various_words
'''end''' identifierOrKeyword ;
s_w := 0; i_w := 1; ''% output formarting %''
nl := code( 10 );
lowerA := decode( "a" );
upperA := decode( "A" );
''% allow the program to continue after reaching end-of-file %''
ENDFILE := EXCEPTION( '''false''', 1, 0, '''false''', "EOF" );
''% ensure the first call to nextChar reads the first line %''
lineWidth := 256;
linePos := lineWidth + 1;
currChar := " ";
'''begin''' ''% keywords %''
'''procedure''' K ( '''string'''(9) '''value''' kwStr ) ; '''begin'''
kwMax := kwMax + 1;
kw( kwMax ) := kwStr
'''end''' K ;
kwMax := 0;
'''end''' keywords ;
inString := inComment := '''false''';
'''while''' '''not''' XCPNOTED(ENDFILE) '''do''' '''begin'''
'''if''' inString '''then''' '''begin''' ''% in a string %''
inString := currChar '''not''' = """";
'''else''' '''if''' inComment '''then''' '''begin''' ''% in a comment %''
inComment := currChar '''not''' = ";" '''and''' currChar '''not''' = commentEnd;
'''if''' '''not''' inComment '''then''' writeon( "''" );
'''else''' '''if''' identifierStartChar '''then''' identifierOrKeyword
'''else''' '''if''' currChar = """" '''then''' '''begin''' ''% string literal %''
inString := '''true'''
'''else''' '''if''' currChar = "%" '''then''' '''begin''' ''% brief comment %''
writeon( "''" );
commentEnd := "%";
inComment := '''true''';
'''else''' outAndNextChar
'''end''' while_not_ar_eof ;
'''if''' inComment '''then''' write( "**** unterminated comment" )
'''else''' '''if''' inString '''then''' write( "**** unterminated string" )