Sync subtitles: Difference between revisions

(julia example)
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'''Works with gojq, the Go implementation of jq'''
The following program has been written for gojq, the Go implementation of jq,
and will almost surely need adapting for use with other versions of jq.
To fast-forward the subtitles by 9 seconds:
< gojq -nRr --argjson seconds 9 -f sync-subtitles.jq
where sync-subtitles.jq is the name of the file containing the jq program.
To roll-back, specify `seconds` as a negative number, e.g.:
< gojq -nRr --argjson seconds -9 -f sync-subtitles.jq
<syntaxhighlight lang="jq">
def syncSubtitles($secs):
def fmt: "%H:%M:%S";
def adjust: strptime(fmt) | .[5] += $seconds | strftime(fmt);
if ($secs|type) != "number" then "The number of seconds must be specified as an integer" | error end
| inputs as $line
| ($line
| capture("^(?<start>[^,]*),(?<startms>[0-9]*) *--> *(?<finish>[^,]*),(?<finishms>[0-9]*)")
| "\(.start|adjust),\(.startms) --> \(.finish|adjust),\(.finishms)" )
// $line ;
if $seconds > 0 then
"Fast-forwarding \($seconds) seconds" | debug
| syncSubtitles($seconds)
elif $seconds == 0 then
"No resynchronization is needed" | debug
"Rolling-back \(-$seconds) seconds" | debug
| syncSubtitles($seconds)
As shown elsewhere on this page.
