Summation of primes: Difference between revisions

Added AppleScript solutions.
(Added AppleScript solutions.)
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This isn't something that's likely to needed more than once — if at all — so you'd probably just throw together code like the following. The result's interesting in that although it's way outside AppleScript's integer range, its class is returned as integer in macOS 10.14 (Mojave)!
<lang applescript>on isPrime(n)
if ((n < 4) or (n is 5)) then return (n > 1)
if ((n mod 2 = 0) or (n mod 3 = 0) or (n mod 5 = 0)) then return false
repeat with i from 7 to (n ^ 0.5) div 1 by 30
if ((n mod i = 0) or (n mod (i + 4) = 0) or (n mod (i + 6) = 0) or ¬
(n mod (i + 10) = 0) or (n mod (i + 12) = 0) or (n mod (i + 16) = 0) or ¬
(n mod (i + 22) = 0) or (n mod (i + 24) = 0)) then return false
end repeat
return true
end isPrime
on sumPrimes below this
set limit to this - 1
if (limit < 2) then return 0
set sum to 2
repeat with n from 3 to limit by 2
if (isPrime(n)) then set sum to sum + n
end repeat
return sum
end sumPrimes
sumPrimes below 2000000</lang>
<lang applescript>142913828922</lang>
The result can be obtained in 4 seconds rather than 14 if the summing's instead combined with an Eratosthenean sieve:
<lang applescript>on sumPrimes below this
set limit to this - 1
-- Is the limit 2 or lower?
if (limit = 2) then return 2
if (limit < 2) then return 0
-- Build a list of limit (+ 2 for safety) missing values.
set mv to missing value
script o
property numberList : {mv}
end script
repeat until ((count o's numberList) * 2 > limit)
set o's numberList to o's numberList & o's numberList
end repeat
set o's numberList to {mv} & items 1 thru (limit - (count o's numberList) + 1) of o's numberList & o's numberList
-- Populate every 6th slot after the 5th and 7th with the equivalent integers.
-- The other slots all represent multiples of 2 and/or 3 and are left as missing values.
repeat with n from 5 to limit by 6
set item n of o's numberList to n
tell (n + 2) to set item it of o's numberList to it
end repeat
-- If we're here, the limit must be 3 or higher. So start with the sum of 2 and 3.
set sum to 5
-- Continue adding primes from the list and eliminate multiples
-- of those up to the limit's square root from the list.
set isqrt to limit ^ 0.5 div 1
repeat with n from 5 to limit by 6
if (item n of o's numberList = n) then
set sum to sum + n
if (n ≤ isqrt) then
repeat with multiple from (n * n) to limit by n
set item multiple of o's numberList to mv
end repeat
end if
end if
tell (n + 2)
if ((it ≤ limit) and (item it of o's numberList = it)) then
set sum to sum + it
if (it ≤ isqrt) then
repeat with multiple from (it * it) to limit by it
set item multiple of o's numberList to mv
end repeat
end if
end if
end tell
end repeat
return sum
end sumPrimes
sumPrimes below 2000000</lang>
<lang AWK>
