Sum of primes in odd positions is prime: Difference between revisions

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653 17959
653 17959
823 26879
823 26879

<lang Yabasic>// Rosetta Code problem:
// by Galileo, 04/2022

sub isPrime(n)
local i
if n < 4 return n >= 2
for i = 2 to sqrt(n)
if not mod(n, i) return false
return true
end sub

print "p(n)\tsum\n----\t------"
for n = 2 to 999
if isPrime(n) then
i = i + 1
if mod(i, 2) then
sum = sum + n
if isPrime(sum) print n, "\t", sum
end if
end if
<pre>p(n) sum
---- ------
2 2
5 7
31 89
103 659
149 1181
331 5021
467 9923
499 10909
523 11941
653 17959
823 26879
---Program done, press RETURN---