Sudoku: Difference between revisions

111 bytes removed ,  2 years ago
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module SudokuCPS
open System
// helpers
let tuple2 a b = a,b
let (>>=) f g = Option.bind g f
/// folds folder returning Some on completion or returns None if not
let rec all folder state source =
match state, source with
| None, _ -> None
| Some st, [] -> Some st
| Some st , hd::rest -> folder st hd |> (fun st1 -> all folder st1 rest)
/// "A1"from 11 to "I9" squares99 as squares key in values dictionary
let key a b = 10*a + b// $"{a}{b}"
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/// Dictionary of all peer squares in the relevant units wrt square in question
let peers =
let tuple2 a b = a,b
[for s in squares do units[s] |> Array.concat |> Array.distinct |> Array.except [s] |> tuple2 s]
|> Map.ofList
/// folds folder returning Some on completion or returns None if not
/// Eliminate d from values[s] and propagate when values = 1.
let rec all folder state source =
/// Return Some values, except return None if a contradiction is detected.
match state, source with
let rec eliminate (values:Map<_,_>) s d =
let| peerElimNone, (vx:Map<_,_ ->) =None
| NoneSome st, _[] -> NoneSome st
match Seq.length vx[s] with // (1) If a square s is reduced to one value d, then eliminate d from the peers.
| Some st , hd::rest -> folder st hd |> (fun st1 -> all folder st1 rest)
/// Assign digit d to values[s] and propagate (via eliminate)
/// Return Some values, except None if a contradiction is detected.
andlet rec assign (values:Map<_,_>) (s) d =
|> Seq.filter ((<>)d)
|> List.ofSeq |> all (fun st d2 -> eliminate st s d2) (Some values)
/// Eliminate digit d from values[s] and propagate when values[s] size =is 1.
/// Return Some values, except return None if a contradiction is detected.
let recand eliminate (values:Map<_,_>) s d =
let peerElim match Seq.length (vx[s]:Map<_,_>) with= // (1) If a square s is reduced to one value d, then *eliminate* d from the peers.
match Seq.length vx[s] with
| 0 -> None // removed last value
| 1 -> peers[s] |> List.ofArray |> all (fun st s2s1 -> eliminate st s2s1 (vx[s] |> Seq.head) ) (Some vx)
| _ -> Some vx
let unitsElim vx = // If a unit u is reduced to only one place for a value d, then *assign* it there.
units[s] // (2) If a unit u is reduced to only one place for a value d, then put it there.
|> List.ofArray |> all (fun (st:Map<_,_>) u ->
let dKeys = [for s in u do if st[s] |> Seq.contains d then s]
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| false -> Some values // Already eliminated, nothing to do
| true ->
let values2values1 = values |> Map.change s ( (fun dx -> dx |> Array.filter ((<>)d)))
peerElim values2values1 |> Option.bind unitsElim
|> function
| None -> None // from peers
| Some values3 -> unitsElim values3
/// Eliminate all the other values (except d) from values[s] and propagate.
/// Return Some values, except None if a contradiction is detected.
and assign (values:Map<_,_>) (s) d =
|> Seq.filter ((<>)d)
|> List.ofSeq |> all (fun st d2 -> eliminate st s d2) (Some values)
/// Convert grid into a Map of {square: char} with "0","."or"," for empties.
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| [] -> Some values // Solved!
| list -> // tryPick ~ Norvig's `some`
list |> List.minBy fst |> fun (_,s) -> values[s] |> Seq.tryPick (fun d -> assign values s d |>>= (Option.bind search))
let run n g f = parseGrid >> function None -> n | Some m -> f m |> g
// Core API
let run n g f = parseGrid >> function None -> n | Some m -> f m |> g
let solver = run "Parse Error" (Option.fold (fun _ t -> t |> prettyPrint) "No Solution")
let solveNoSearch: string -> string = solver applyCPS
let solveWithSearch: string -> string = solver (applyCPS >> (Option.bind search))
let solveWithSearchToMapOnly:string -> Map<int,int[]> option = run None id (applyCPS >> (Option.bind search)) </lang>
'''Usage'''<lang fsharp>open System
open SudokuCPS