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The implementation above doesn't work so effective for sudokus like Bracmat version, therefore I implemented a second version inspired by Java section:
{{works with|Scala|2.9.1}}
<lang scala>object SudokuSolver extends App {
object Solver {
var solution = new Array[Int](81)
val fap: (Int, Int) => Int = (row, col) => (row)*9+col //function array position
def solve(listOfFields: List[Int]): List[Int] = {
solution = listOfFields toArray
val mRowSubset = new Array[Boolean](81)
val mColSubset = new Array[Boolean](81)
val mBoxSubset = new Array[Boolean](81)
def initSubsets: Unit = {
for (row <- 0 to 8) {
for (col <- 0 to 8) {
val value = solution(fap(row, col))
if (value != 0)
setSubsetValue(row, col, value, true)
def setSubsetValue(r: Int, c: Int, value: Int, present: Boolean): Unit = {
mRowSubset(fap(r, value - 1)) = present
mColSubset(fap(c, value - 1)) = present
mBoxSubset(fap(computeBoxNo(r, c), value - 1)) = present
def computeBoxNo(r: Int, c: Int): Int = {
val boxRow = r / 3
val boxCol = c / 3
return boxRow * 3 + boxCol
def isValid(r: Int, c: Int, value: Int): Boolean = {
val vVal = value - 1
val isPresent = mRowSubset(fap(r, vVal)) || mColSubset(fap(c, vVal)) || mBoxSubset(fap(computeBoxNo(r, c), vVal))
return !isPresent
def solve(row: Int, col: Int): Boolean = {
var r = row
var c = col
if (r == 9) {
r = 0
c += 1
if (c == 9)
return true
if(solution(fap(r,c)) != 0)
return solve(r+1,c)
for(value <- 1 to 9)
if(isValid(r, c, value)) {
solution(fap(r,c)) = value
setSubsetValue(r, c, value, true)
return true
setSubsetValue(r, c, value, false)
solution(fap(r,c)) = 0
return false
def checkSol: Boolean = {
if ((mRowSubset.exists(_==false)) || (mColSubset.exists(_==false)) || (mBoxSubset.exists(_==false))) return false
val ret = solve(0,0)
if (ret)
if (checkSol) return solution.toList else Nil
return Nil
val f2Str: List[Int] => String = fields => {
val f2Stri: List[Int] => String = fields => {
val sepLine = "+---+---+---+"
val sepPoints = Set(2,5,8)
val fs: (Int, Int) => String = (i, v) => v.toString.replace("0"," ")+(if (sepPoints.contains(i%9)) "|" else "")
val s = sepLine+"\n"+(0 to fields.size-1).map(i => (if (i%9==0) "|" else "")+fs(i,fields(i))+(if (i%9==8) if (sepPoints.contains(i/9)) "\n"+sepLine+"\n" else "\n" else "")).foldRight("")(_+_)
val s = fields match {case Nil => "no solution!!!" case _ => f2Stri(fields)}
val elapsedtime: (=> Unit) => Long = f => {val s = System.currentTimeMillis; f; (System.currentTimeMillis - s)/1000}
var sol = List[Int]()
val sudokus = List(
("riddle used in Ada section:",
("riddle used in Bracmat section:",
("riddle from Groovy section: 4th exceptionally difficult example in Wikipedia: ~80 seconds",
("riddle used in Ada section with incorrect modifactions - it should fail:",
("riddle constructed with mess - it should fail too:",
for (sudoku <- sudokus) {
val desc = sudoku._1
val riddle = sudoku._2.replace(".","0")
+"elapsed time: "+elapsedtime(sol = Solver.solve(riddle))+" sec"+"\n"+"solution:"+"\n"+f2Str(sol)
<pre>riddle used in Ada section:
|394| 2|67 |
| |3 |4 |
|5 |69 | 2 |
| 45| |9 |
|6 | | 7|
| 7| |58 |
| 1 | 67| 8|
| 9| 8| |
| 26|4 |735|
elapsed time: 0 sec
riddle used in Bracmat section:
| | | |
| | 3| 85|
| 1| 2 | |
| |5 7| |
| 4| |1 |
| 9 | | |
|5 | | 73|
| 2| 1 | |
| | 4 | 9|
elapsed time: 43 sec
riddle from Groovy section: 4th exceptionally difficult example in Wikipedia: ~80 seconds
| 3| | |
|4 | 8 | 36|
| 8| |1 |
| 4 | 6 | 73|
| |9 | |
| | 2| 5|
| 4| 7 | 68|
|6 | | |
|7 |6 |5 |
elapsed time: 3 sec
riddle used in Ada section with incorrect modifactions - it should fail:
|394|3 2|67 |
| |3 |4 |
|5 |69 | 2 |
| 45| |9 |
|6 | | 7|
| 7| |58 |
| 1 | 67| 8|
| 9| 8| |
| 26|4 |735|
elapsed time: 0 sec
no solution!!!
riddle constructed with mess - it should fail too:
| 45| 8|9 |
|6 | | 7|
|2 7| |58 |
|31 | 67| 8|
| 9| 8| |
| 26|4 |735|
elapsed time: 0 sec
no solution!!!</pre>