Subset sum problem: Difference between revisions

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(Simpler D entry, updated)
(+ second D entry)
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<pre>A subset of length 2: archbishop, gestapo</pre>
===Alternative Version===
This version prints all the 349_167 solutions in about 1.8 seconds and counts them in about 0.05 seconds.
<lang d>import std.stdio, std.algorithm;
enum showAllSolutions = false;
struct Item { string data; int weight; }
struct Sum { int sum; uint mask; }
immutable Item[] em = [
{"alliance", -624}, {"archbishop", -915}, {"balm", 397},
{"bonnet", 452}, {"brute", 870}, {"centipede", -658},
{"cobol", 362}, {"covariate", 590}, {"departure", 952},
{"deploy", 44}, {"diophantine", 645}, {"efferent", 54},
{"elysee", -326}, {"eradicate", 376}, {"escritoire", 856},
{"exorcism", -983}, {"fiat", 170}, {"filmy", -874},
{"flatworm", 503}, {"gestapo", 915}, {"infra", -847},
{"isis", -982}, {"lindholm", 999}, {"markham", 475},
{"mincemeat", -880}, {"moresby", 756}, {"mycenae", 183},
{"plugging", -266}, {"smokescreen", 423}, {"speakeasy", -745},
{"vein", 813}
Sum[] mkSums(in Item[] p, in size_t n, in size_t shift) {
Sum[] r = new Sum[1 << n];
foreach (i; 0 .. n)
r[1 << i].sum = p[i].weight;
foreach (i, ref ri; r) {
immutable size_t b = i & -cast(int)i;
ri = Sum(r[i & ~b].sum + r[b].sum, i << shift);
r.sort!q{ a.sum < b.sum }();
return r;
void showMask(in uint mask) nothrow {
for (size_t m = 0; (1U << m) <= mask; m++)
if (mask & (1U << m))
// Much faster than writeln.
// em names are all zero-terminated.
printf("%s ", em[m].data.ptr);
if (mask)
int printList(in int i, in int j, in int i1, in int j1,
in Sum[] l, in Sum[] r) nothrow {
int s = (i1 - i) * (j - j1);
if (!l[i].sum)
static if (showAllSolutions)
foreach (x; i .. i1)
for (size_t y = j; y > j1; y--)
showMask(l[x].mask | r[y].mask);
return s;
void main() {
immutable N = em.length;
assert(N <= em[0].sizeof * 8, "Not enough bits in the mask");
immutable size_t n1 = N / 2;
immutable size_t n2 = N - n1;
immutable size_t n1p = 1 << n1;
immutable size_t n2p = 1 << n2;
auto l = mkSums(em[], n1, 0);
auto r = mkSums(em[n1 .. $], n2, n1);
size_t sols = 0;
int i = 0;
int j = n2p - 1;
while (true) {
while (l[i].sum + r[j].sum) {
while (i < n1p && l[i].sum + r[j].sum < 0)
while (j >= 0 && l[i].sum + r[j].sum > 0)
if (i >= n1p || j < 0)
if (i >= n1p || j < 0)
int i1 = i + 1;
while (i1 < n1p && l[i1].sum == l[i].sum)
int j1 = j - 1;
while (j1 >= 0 && r[j1].sum == r[j].sum)
sols += printList(i, j, i1, j1, l, r);
i = i1;
j = j1;
writeln("Zero sums: ", sols);
<pre>Zero sums: 349167</pre>