Subleq: Difference between revisions

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(Add 8080 assembly version)
(Add APL version)
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Hello, world!
Hello, world!
{{works with|GNU APL}}

<lang APL>#!/usr/local/bin/apl -s --
⎕IO←0 ⍝ Index origin 0 is more intuitive with 'pointers'
→(5≠⍴⎕ARG)/usage ⍝ There should be one (additional) argument
fn←⊃⎕ARG[4] ⍝ This argument should be the file name
→(''≢0⍴text←⎕FIO[26]fn)/filerr ⍝ Load the file
text[(text∊⎕TC)/⍳⍴text]←' ' ⍝ Control characters to spaces
text[(text='-')/⍳⍴text]←'¯' ⍝ Negative numbers get high minus
M←⍎text ⍝ The memory starts with the numbers in the text
pc←0 ⍝ Program counter starts at PC
instr: (A B C)←3↑pc↓M ⍝ Read instruction
M←'(1+A⌈B⌈C⌈⍴M)↑M'⎕EA'M⊣M[A,B,C]' ⍝ Extend the array if necessary
pc←pc+3 ⍝ PC is incremented by 3
→(A=¯1)/in ⍝ If A=-1, read input
→(B=¯1)/out ⍝ If B=-1, write output
→(0<M[B]←M[B]-M[A])/instr ⍝ Do SUBLEQ instruction
pc←C ⍝ Set PC if necessary
→(C≥0)×instr ⍝ Next instruction if C≥0
in: X←(M[B]←1⎕FIO[41]1)⎕FIO[42]1 ⋄ →instr
out: X←M[A]⎕FIO[42]1 ⋄ →instr
usage: 'subleq.apl <file> - Run the SUBLEQ program in <file>' ⋄ →0
filerr: 'Error loading: ',fn ⋄ →0

