Strip control codes and extended characters from a string: Difference between revisions

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[[Category:String manipulation]]
=={{header|Liberty BASIC}}==
<lang lb>
all$ =""
for i =0 to 255
all$ =all$ +chr$( i)
next i
print "Original string of bytes. ( chr$( 10) causes a CRLF.)"
print all$
lessControl$ =controlStripped$( all$)
print "With control codes stripped out."
print lessControl$
lessExtendedAndControl$ =extendedStripped$( lessControl$)
print "With extended codes stripped out too."
print lessExtendedAndControl$
function controlStripped$( i$)
r$ =""
for j =1 to len( i$)
ch$ =mid$( i$, j, 1)
if asc( ch$) >=32 then r$ =r$ +ch$
next j
controlStripped$ =r$
end function
function extendedStripped$( i$)
r$ =""
for j =1 to len( i$)
ch$ =mid$( i$, j, 1)
if asc( ch$) <=128 then r$ =r$ +ch$
next j
extendedStripped$ =r$
end function
<lang lua>function Strip_Control_Codes( str )
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