Strip comments from a string: Difference between revisions

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Line 477:
<lang clojure>> (apply str (take-while #(not (#{\# \;} %)) "apples # comment"))
"apples "</lang>
<lang cobol>> identification division.
program-id. StripComments.
data division.
working-storage section.
01 line-text pic x(64).
procedure division.
move "apples, pears # and bananas" to line-text
perform show-striped-text
move "apples, pears ; and bananas" to line-text
perform show-striped-text
stop run
unstring line-text delimited by "#" into line-text
unstring line-text delimited by ";" into line-text
display quote, function trim(line-text), quote
"apples, pears" "apples, pears"
=={{header|Common Lisp}}==