Strip a set of characters from a string: Difference between revisions

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Line 773: Line 773:
Sh ws soul strppr. Sh took my hrt!
Sh ws soul strppr. Sh took my hrt!

<lang bcpl>get "libhdr"

let contains(str, chr) = valof
$( for i = 1 to str%0
if str%i = chr resultis true
resultis false

let stripchars(str, chars, buf) = valof
$( buf%0 := 0
for i = 1 to str%0
if ~contains(chars, str%i)
$( buf%0 := buf%0 + 1
buf%(buf%0) := str%i
resultis buf

let start() be
$( let buf = vec 127
stripchars("She was a soul stripper. She took my heart!",
<pre>Sh ws soul strppr. Sh took my hrt!</pre>
