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<lang vb>' Straddling checkerboard - VBScript - 19/04/2019

Function encrypt(ByVal originalText, ByVal alphabet, blank1, blank2)
Const notEscape = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ."
Dim i, j, curChar, escChar, outText
Dim cipher 'Hash table
Set cipher = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
'build cipher reference
alphabet = UCase(alphabet) : j = 0
For i = 1 To 28
curChar = Mid(alphabet, i, 1)
Select Case True
Case i>= 1 And i<= 8
If j = blank1 Or j = blank2 Then j = j + 1 'adjust for blank
cipher.Add curChar, CStr(j)
j = j + 1
Case i>= 9 And i<=18
cipher.Add curChar, CStr(blank1) & CStr(i - 9)
Case i>=19 And i<=28
cipher.Add curChar, CStr(blank2) & CStr(i - 19)
End Select 'i
If InStr(notEscape, curChar) = 0 Then
escChar = curChar
'Wscript.Echo "escChar=" & escChar & " cipher(escChar)=" & cipher(escChar)
End If
Next 'i
For i = 0 To 9: cipher.Add CStr(i), cipher(escChar) & CStr(i): Next
'encrypt each character
originalText = UCase(originalText)
For i = 1 To Len(originalText)
outText = outText & cipher(Mid(originalText, i, 1))
End Function 'encrypt
Function decrypt(ByVal cipherText, ByVal alphabet, blank1, blank2)
Const notEscape = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ."
Dim i, j, curChar, escCipher, outText
Dim cipher 'Hash table
Set cipher = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
'build decipher reference
alphabet = UCase(alphabet) : j = 0
For i = 1 To 28
curChar = Mid(alphabet, i, 1)
Select Case True
Case i>= 1 And i<= 8
If j = blank1 Or j = blank2 Then j = j + 1 'adjust for blank
cipher.Add CStr(j),curChar
j = j + 1
Case i>= 9 And i<=18
cipher.Add CStr(blank1) & CStr(i - 9), curChar
Case i>=19 And i<=28
cipher.Add CStr(blank2) & CStr(i - 19), curChar
End Select 'i
If InStr(notEscape, curChar) = 0 Then
'the last element of cipher
escCipher = arrayKeys(cipher.count-1)
'Wscript.Echo "escCipher=" & escCipher & " cipher(escCipher)=" & cipher(escCipher)
End If
Next 'i
For i = 0 To 9: cipher.Add escCipher & CStr(i), CStr(i): Next
'decrypt each character
i = 1
Do While i <= Len(cipherText)
curChar = Mid(cipherText, i, 1)
If curChar = CStr(blank1) Or curChar = CStr(blank2) Then
curChar = Mid(cipherText, i, 2)
If curChar = escCipher Then curChar = Mid(cipherText, i, 3)
End If
outText = outText & cipher(curChar)
i = i + Len(curChar)
Loop 'i
End Function 'decrypt
message = "One night-it was on the twentieth of March, 1888-I was returning"
'3 7 <=8
Buffer=Buffer & "Original: " & message & vbCrlf
encoded = encrypt(message, cipher, 3, 7)
Buffer=Buffer & "encoded: " & encoded & vbCrlf
decoded = decrypt(encoded, cipher, 3, 7)
Buffer=Buffer & "decoded: " & decoded & vbCrlf
Wscript.Echo Buffer </lang>
Original: One night-it was on the twentieth of March, 1888-I was returning
encoded: 139539363509369743061399059745399365901344308320791798798798367430685972839363935
