Stern-Brocot sequence: Difference between revisions

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(Add SETL)
(Added Easylang)
Line 2,554: Line 2,554:
1-based index of the first occurrence of 100 in the series: 1179
1-based index of the first occurrence of 100 in the series: 1179

global sb[] .
proc sternbrocot n . .
sb[] = [ 1 1 ]
pos = 2
c = sb[pos]
sb[] &= c + sb[pos - 1]
sb[] &= c
pos += 1
until len sb[] >= n
func first v .
for i to len sb[]
if v <> 0
if sb[i] = v
return i
if sb[i] <> 0
return i
return 0
func gcd x y .
if y = 0
return x
return gcd y (x mod y)
func$ task5 .
for i to 1000
if gcd sb[i] sb[i + 1] <> 1
return "FAIL"
return "PASS"
sternbrocot 10000
write "Task 2: "
for i to 15
write sb[i] & " "
print "\n\nTask 3:"
for i to 10
print "\t" & i & " " & first i
print "\nTask 4: " & first 100
print "\nTask 5: " & task5

Task 2: 1 1 2 1 3 2 3 1 4 3 5 2 5 3 4

Task 3:
1 1
2 3
3 5
4 9
5 11
6 33
7 19
8 21
9 35
10 39

Task 4: 1179

Task 5: PASS
