Statistics/Chi-squared distribution: Difference between revisions

(Added Perl)
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{{works with|jq}}
'''Also works with gojq, the Go implementation of jq.'''
<syntaxhighlight lang=sh>
# f must have arity 0
def integrate($a; $b; $n; f):
(($b - $a) / $n) as $h
| reduce range(0;$n) as $i (0;
($a + $i * $h) as $x
| . + ((( ($x|f) + 4 * (($x + ($h/2))|f) + (($x + $h)|f)) / 6)) )
| . * $h;
# '''Lower Incomplete Gamma Function'''
# Integral(from:0; to:$x) t^($a-1)*(-t | exp) dt
def gammaIncomplete($a; $x; $epsilon):
def small($a;$b): (($a-$b)/($a+$b)) | length < $epsilon or
(($a-$b)|length) < 1e-10; # length here is abs
def f0: (if . == 0 then 1 else pow(.; $a-1) end) * ((- .) |exp) ;
# If $upper is large then divide to conquer:
def integrate($upper; $n):
if $upper < $a * 2 then integrate(0; $upper; $n; f0)
else integrate( 0; 2*$a; $n; f0) +
integrate(2*$a; $upper; $n; f0)
end ;
if $a == 1 then 1 - ((-$x)|exp)
elif $x > $a * 1e4 then 1
else {current: 0, n: 25, iteration: 0}
| .prev = 1
| until( small(.current; .prev);
.n *= 2
| .iteration += 1
| .prev = .current
| .current = integrate($x; .n) )
| .current
end ;
def gammaIncomplete($a; $x):
# 1e-3 is adequate for many purposes; 1e-4 takes significantly longer for small $x
gammaIncomplete($a; $x; 1e-5);
def Chi2_cdf($x; $k):
if $x == 0 then 0
else [1, gammaIncomplete($k/2;$x/2) / (($k/2)|gamma)]|min
end ;
def Chi2_pdf($x; $k):
if $x <= 0 then 0
else ((-$x/2)|exp) * pow($x; $k/2 -1) / (pow(2;$k/2) * (($k/2)|gamma))
<syntaxhighlight lang=sh>
def lpad($len): tostring | ($len - length) as $l | (" " * $l)[:$l] + .;
# For formatting numbers
# ... but leave non-numbers, 0, and numbers using E alone
def round($dec):
def rpad($len): tostring | ($len - length) as $l | . + ("0" * $l);
if type == "string" then .
elif . == 0 then "0"
else pow(10;$dec) as $m
| . * $m | round / $m
| tostring
| (capture("(?<n>^[^.]*[.])(?<f>[0-9]*$)")
| .n + (.f|rpad($dec)))
// if test("^[0-9]+$") then . + "." + ("" | rpad($dec)) else null end
// .
'''The Tasks'''
<syntaxhighlight lang=sh>
def tables:
def r: round(4) | lpad(10);
" Values of the χ2 probability distribution function",
" x/k 1 2 3 4 5",
(range(0;11) as $x
| "\($x|lpad(2)) \(reduce range(1; 6) as $k (""; . + (Chi2_pdf($x; $k) | r) ))" ),
"\n Values for χ2 with 3 degrees of freedom",
"χ2 cum pdf p-value",
( (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32) as $x
| Chi2_cdf($x; 3) as $cdf
| "\($x|lpad(2)) \($cdf|r)\(1-$cdf|r)"
def airport: [[77, 23], [88, 12], [79, 21], [81, 19]];
def expected: [81.25, 18.75];
def airport($airport; $expected):
def dof: ($airport|length - 1) / ($airport[0]|length - 1);
reduce range(0; $airport|length) as $i (0;
reduce range(0; $airport[0]|length) as $j (.;
. + (($airport[$i][$j] - $expected[$j]) | .*.) / $expected[$j] ) )
| ("\nFor airport data table:",
" diff sum : \(.)",
" d.o.f. : \(dof)",
" χ2 value : \(Chi2_pdf(.; dof))",
" p-value : \(Chi2_cdf(.; dof)|round(4))" ) ;
airport(airport; expected)
Values of the χ2 probability distribution function
x/k 1 2 3 4 5
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0.2420 0.3033 0.2420 0.1516 0.0807
2 0.1038 0.1839 0.2076 0.1839 0.1384
3 0.0514 0.1116 0.1542 0.1673 0.1542
4 0.0270 0.0677 0.1080 0.1353 0.1440
5 0.0146 0.0410 0.0732 0.1026 0.1220
6 0.0081 0.0249 0.0487 0.0747 0.0973
7 0.0046 0.0151 0.0319 0.0528 0.0744
8 0.0026 0.0092 0.0207 0.0366 0.0551
9 0.0015 0.0056 0.0133 0.0250 0.0399
10 0.0009 0.0034 0.0085 0.0168 0.0283
Values for χ2 with 3 degrees of freedom
χ2 cum pdf p-value
1 0.1988 0.8012
2 0.4276 0.5724
4 0.7386 0.2614
8 0.9540 0.0460
16 0.9989 0.0011
32 1.0000 0
For airport data table:
diff sum : 4.512820512820513
d.o.f. : 3
χ2 value : 0.08875392598443502
p-value : 0.7889
