Statistics/Basic: Difference between revisions

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Hout (talk | contribs)
→‎{{header|Haskell}}: Circumvented formatting issue (half of code in red), supplied missing import
Petelomax (talk | contribs)
Line 2,493: Line 2,493:
0.8 ====================================================
0.8 ====================================================
0.9 ==================================================</pre>
0.9 ==================================================</pre>

To do a trillion samples, I would change the existing generate loop into an inner 100_000_000 loop that still uses the fast native types, with everything outside that changed to bigatom, and of course add an outer loop which sums into them.
<lang Phix>function generate_statistics(integer n)
sequence hist = repeat(0,10)
atom sum_r = 0,
sum_squares = 0.0
for i=1 to n do
atom r = rnd()
sum_r += r
sum_squares += r*r
hist[floor(10*r)+1] += 1
end for
atom mean = sum_r / n
atom stddev = sqrt((sum_squares / n) - mean*mean)
return {n, mean, stddev, hist}
end function
procedure display_statistics(sequence x)
atom n, mean, stddev
sequence hist
{n, mean, stddev, hist} = x
printf(1,"-- Stats for sample size %d\n",{n})
printf(1,"mean: %g\n",{mean})
printf(1,"sdev: %g\n",{stddev})
for i=1 to length(hist) do
integer cnt = hist[i]
string bars = repeat('=',floor(cnt*300/n))
printf(1,"%.1f: %s %d\n",{i/10,bars,cnt})
end for
end procedure
for n=2 to 5 do
end for</lang>
<pre style="float:left; font-size: 10px">
-- Stats for sample size 100
mean: 0.530925
sdev: 0.303564
0.1: ======================== 8
0.2: ======================================= 13
0.3: ============================== 10
0.4: ================== 6
0.5: ===================== 7
0.6: ================================= 11
0.7: ================================= 11
0.8: ===================== 7
0.9: ======================================= 13
1.0: ========================================== 14
<pre style="float:left; font-size: 10px">
-- Stats for sample size 1000
mean: 0.50576
sdev: 0.288862
0.1: ============================ 95
0.2: ============================== 103
0.3: ============================= 98
0.4: =========================== 93
0.5: ============================== 101
0.6: ============================= 99
0.7: =============================== 105
0.8: ============================= 97
0.9: ================================ 108
1.0: ============================== 101
<pre style="float:left; font-size: 10px">
-- Stats for sample size 10000
mean: 0.498831
sdev: 0.28841
0.1: ============================= 987
0.2: =============================== 1060
0.3: ============================ 953
0.4: ============================= 980
0.5: ============================== 1013
0.6: ============================= 997
0.7: ================================ 1089
0.8: ============================ 948
0.9: ============================= 974
1.0: ============================= 999
<pre style="font-size: 10px">
-- Stats for sample size 1000000
mean: 0.499937
sdev: 0.288898
0.1: ============================== 100071
0.2: ============================== 100943
0.3: ============================= 99594
0.4: ============================= 99436
0.5: ============================= 99806
0.6: ============================= 99723
0.7: ============================== 100040
0.8: ============================== 100280
0.9: ============================== 100264
1.0: ============================= 99843
