State name puzzle: Difference between revisions

Add Clojure solution to State name puzzle
(Rename Perl 6 -> Raku, alphabetize, minor clean-up)
(Add Clojure solution to State name puzzle)
Line 368:
<lang clojure>(ns clojure-sandbox.statenames
(:require [ :as csv]
[ :as io]
[clojure.string :refer [lower-case]]
[clojure.math.combinatorics :as c]
[clojure.pprint :as pprint]))
(def made-up-states ["New Kory" "Wen Kory" "York New" "Kory New" "New Kory"])
;; I saved the list of states in a local file to keep the code clean but you can copy and paste the list instead
(def real-states (with-open [in-file (io/reader (io/resource "states.csv"))]
(->> (doall
(csv/read-csv in-file))
(map first))))
(defn- state->charset [state-name]
"Convert state name into sorted list of characters with no spaces"
(->> state-name
(filter (set (map char (range 97 123)))))) ;; ASCII range for lower case letters
(defn- add-charsets [states]
"Calculate sorted character list for each state and store with name"
(->> states
(map lower-case) ;; Convert all names to lower case
set ;; remove duplicates
(fn [s] {:name s
:characters (state->charset s)})))) ;; add characters
(defn- pair-chars [state1 state2]
"Join the characters of two states together and sort them"
(-> state1
(concat (:characters state2))
(defn- pair [[state1 state2]]
"Record representing two state names and the total characters used in them"
{:inputs [(:name state1) (:name state2)]
:characters (pair-chars state1 state2)})
(defn- find-all-pairs [elements]
(c/combinations elements 2))
(defn- pairs-to-search [state-names]
"Create character lists for all states and return a list of all possible pairs"
(->> state-names
(map pair)))
(defn- pairs-have-same-letters? [[pair1 pair2]]
(= (:characters pair1) (:characters pair2)))
(defn- inputs-are-distinct? [[pair1 pair2 :as pairs]]
"Check that two pairs of states don't contain the same state"
(= 4 ;; There should be a total of 4 distinct states in the two pairs
(->> pairs
(map :inputs)
(defn- search [pairs]
(->> pairs
find-all-pairs ;; find pairs of pairs to search
(filter pairs-have-same-letters?) ;; Keep only those where each pair has the same characters
(filter inputs-are-distinct?))) ;; Remove pairs with duplicate states
(defn find-matches [state-names]
"Find all state pairs and return pairs of them using the same letters"
(-> state-names
(defn- format-match-output [[pair1 pair2]]
"Format a pair of state pairs to print out"
(str (first (:inputs pair1))
" + "
(last (:inputs pair1))
" = "
(first (:inputs pair2))
" + "
(last (:inputs pair2))))
(defn- evaluate-and-print [states]
(->> states
(map format-match-output)
(defn -main [& args]
(println "Solutions for 50 real states")
(evaluate-and-print real-states)
(println "Solutions with made up states added")
(evaluate-and-print (concat real-states made-up-states)))
Solutions for 50 real states
("north carolina + south dakota = south carolina + north dakota")
Solutions with made up states added
("new york + new kory = kory new + york new"
"new york + new kory = kory new + wen kory"
"new york + new kory = york new + wen kory"
"new york + kory new = new kory + york new"
"new york + kory new = new kory + wen kory"
"new york + kory new = york new + wen kory"
"new york + york new = new kory + kory new"
"new york + york new = new kory + wen kory"
"new york + york new = kory new + wen kory"
"new york + wen kory = new kory + kory new"
"new york + wen kory = new kory + york new"
"new york + wen kory = kory new + york new"
"north carolina + south dakota = south carolina + north dakota"
"new kory + kory new = york new + wen kory"
"new kory + york new = kory new + wen kory"
"new kory + wen kory = kory new + york new")
<lang d>import std.stdio, std.algorithm, std.string, std.exception;