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Create a stack class of objects
This is a generic stack implementation.
type Element_Type is private;
package Generic_Stack is
type Stack is private;
procedure Push (Item : Element_Type; Onto : in out Stack);
procedure Pop (Item : out Element_Type; From : in out Stack);
function Create return Stack;
Stack_Empty_Error : exception;
type Node;
type Stack is access Node;
type Node is record
Element : Element_Type;
Next : Stack := null;
end record;
end Generic_Stack;
with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
package body Generic_Stack is
-- Create --
function Create return Stack is
return (null);
end Create;
-- Push --
procedure Push(Item : Element_Type; Onto : in out Stack) is
Temp : Stack := new Node;
Temp.Element := Item;
Temp.Next := Onto;
Onto := Temp;
end Push;
-- Pop --
procedure Pop(Item : out Element_Type; From : in out Stack) is
procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation(Node, Stack);
Temp : Stack := From;
if Temp = null then
raise Stack_Empty_Error;
end if;
Item := Temp.Element;
From := Temp.Next;
end Pop;
end Generic_Stack;
==[[C plus plus|C++]]==