Bitmap/Histogram: Difference between revisions

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SaveImageAsPPM(image, outputFile, 1)
Makes use of the Pillow library (PIL) you can install it using pip. The code is probably not the fastest or the image I used (1960x1960) is just too big.
<lang python>from PIL import Image
# Open the image
image ="lena.jpg")
# Get the width and height of the image
width, height = image.size
# Calculate the amount of pixels
amount = width * height
# Total amount of greyscale
total = 0
# B/W image
bw_image ='L', (width, height), 0)
# Bitmap image
bm_image ='1', (width, height), 0)
for h in range(0, height):
for w in range(0, width):
r, g, b = image.getpixel((w, h))
greyscale = int((r + g + b) / 3)
total += greyscale
bw_image.putpixel((w, h), gray_scale)
# The average greyscale
avg = total / amount
black = 0
white = 1
for h in range(0, height):
for w in range(0, width):
v = bw_image.getpixel((w, h))
if v >= avg:
bm_image.putpixel((w, h), white)
bm_image.putpixel((w, h), black)</lang>
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